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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Coronavirus could have a deadlier second wave later this year, CDC director warns

The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning that a second wave of coronavirus could coincide with the start of flu season, proving to be even more devastating than the enduring COVID-19 pandemic.

CDC Director Robert Redfield told The Washington Post in an interview Tuesday that the nation should be cautious even as some states attempt to reopen their economies in the coming weeks and continue to practice social distancing measures to mitigate the spread of the virus.



  1. There has been so much WRONG info coming out of the CDC, along with their foot-dragging response to this epidemic early on, that I have almost ZERO confidence in what they say.

    I feel like they are a big part of the scare campaign. The question is: why?

    Is this part of a plan to tarnish or destroy the successes of the Trump administration as the election approaches? A 'crisis' being put to 'good use'?

  2. They are preparing us for a second release “more deadly” than this release! Welcome to the Facist Machine. Don’t like it? Die

  3. Scare the public into submission.... so we all are dependent on the government!,. practice good hygiene and wash your hands/ stay away from sick people.. we will survive together...we have to get back to work!,

  4. I hope the Trump supporters and Fox News junkies head this warning

  5. I agree with 9:37AM....it's all being done to destroy everything our great President Trump has done for our country the past four years. The Democrats hate him so much they are willing to kill others just to get rid of him and cause him to lose the election. But wait....Joe Biden is the only thing they have running and that also is a farce. I am sure they have someone in the background ready to step in once Sleepy (and delirious) Joe wins. He needs to be in a nursing home sooner than later! Naturally the CDC (who is as corrupt as the WHO) is going to say it will "get deadlier" in the fall...right around election time so poor old Joe does not have to face President Trump in any debate. Joe would be TOAST.....he can't even put one sentence together at this point.

  6. Next release (Fall 2020) will kill more people (stronger strain). Democrat and Soro’s based.

    1. But they fail to realize this virus kills dims too

  7. Open up the country and expose everyone to COVID-19.That action will dilute it rather than strengthen it.Eventually it will be come so weak it will barely be noticeable,and then it will be gone entirely.

  8. Good cuz it is passing over many in Washington DC. (polititans)

  9. I firmly believe the Democrats are doing this also. Yes, there is a virus. I won't go so far as to say "our government" created it, but it is suspicious that we gave that lab 3.7 million dollars AND Fauci, on tape, said this administration(Trump's) would have trouble with infectious diseases and there would be a surprise outbreak. He said this about 3 days before Trump's inauguration.

    Now a virus comes out. The millions that the Democrats claimed would die didn't happen. Meanwhile the whole country is shut down. Unemployment goes from like 2% to 30%. The economy which had finally gotten over Obama has tanked. As this is happening they are screaming, "Donald Trump has blood on his hands. He is responsible for this." They would like for this to continue right into summer. Cancel Memorial Day, July 4th, and maybe even Labor Day. In fact, it will be too dangerous to go out and vote in NOVEMBER. Yeah, sure, so we do mail in ballots and oh, guess what, Joe Biden wins.

    As to the virus being worse next time they will either strengthen it OR it may be similar to Lyme Disease. Another man made bio-warfare disease created by Bergdorfer according to the book Bitten by Kris Newberry. I have chronic Lyme, which the CDC does not recognize by the way, and found out I had it ten years after I contracted it. I had the tests 10 years ago and they had positive markers. But they were considered not full positive. So no anti-biotics. 10 years in, I have arthritis in both shoulders, both knees, my hips and my lower back. This stuff actually puts a lot of people in wheel chairs. I was actually going into cardio myopathy or such stuff, I couldn't breath, chest hurt, couldn't walk as far as my mother's house next door. I have screaming headaches it seems like every day of my life. Actually, maybe 5 out of 7 days. ALL of this is from the man-made Lyme disease that the CDC says doesn't exist. They even say on their website that it is cured with 30 days worth of anti-biotics when taken as soon as you contract the disease.

    In the past 2 1/2 years I almost put mine into REMISSION in May of 2019 but then my mom got really sick and we had to do hospice at home and it RE-OCCURED. Point of story is that the Wuhan Virus could be doing the same thing to people and they just don't know it yet. This virus causes chills, fevers, body aches, exhaustion, can cause nausea and vomitting, causes liver damage to the degree your skin can darken according to MSM, and now causes spots on the feet. WHAT KIND OF VIRUS IS THIS? I don't know about you but it sounds a lot like Lyme (in that it was designed to be bad) and it may be worse next time because of the symptoms that people don't know that are going on inside them right now. By next flu season these "pre-existing" conditions may be what causes the virus to be so bad next time.

    Maybe the CDC will recognize your virus so insurance can pay for treatment. Insurance doesn't pay for Lyme, because it doesn't exist. Yet I have been sick every day for the past 5-6 years. I pay 400-550 out of pocket every other month for treatment. I haven't left my house except for the grocery store since this new one started and even then I was worried. I don't think I would be one of the success stories if I were to contract it. But that could be why they say it will be so bad next time.

  10. Blah Blah Blah We're all gonna die!

    The next wave will be timed right about election time to make sure the criminal dumbocrats get vote by mail to steal the election.

  11. I told you this virus had some weird characteristics. Here is a new article from the Washington which states:
    Craig Coopersmith was up early that morning as usual and typed his daily inquiry into his phone. “Good morning, Team Covid,” he wrote, asking for updates from the ICU team leaders working across 10 hospitals in the Emory University health system in Atlanta.

    One doctor replied that one of his patients had a strange blood problem. Despite being put on anticoagulants, the patient was still developing clots. A second said she’d seen something similar. And a third. Soon, every person on the text chat had reported the same thing.
    “That’s when we knew we had a huge problem,” said Coopersmith, a critical-care surgeon. As he checked with his counterparts at other medical centers, he became increasingly alarmed: “It was in as many as 20, 30 or 40 percent of their patients.”

    We can also add lack of oxygen to the equation. They can breathe but the oxygen level in the blood is really low. So we have a virus that can cause nausea/vomiting, chills, fever, body aches, extreme exhaustion, causes blood clots, low oxygen levels, liver damage and spots on the feet. Doesn't sound like a flu virus to me.


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