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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The 'Worst' of the Coronavirus Is Still to Come, Says World Health Organization Chief

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Monday that the "worst" of the novel coronavirus has yet to come.

"Trust us. The worst is yet ahead of us," Ghebreyesus said during a news briefing. "Let's prevent this tragedy. It's a virus that many people still don't understand."

His comments come at a time when the novel coronavirus, which causes the respiratory disease COVID-19, continues to spread across the globe, infecting over 2.4 million people, according to a tracker provided by Johns Hopkins University. The virus has also caused at least 167,592 deaths.



  1. Cant believe WHO --Chinese propaganda

  2. Says the guy who kept claiming it wasn’t human to human contagious...on behalf of China.

  3. He probably has inside real information as to whats really happening in China. Now he wants to look like the good guy.
    What an a$$


  4. A Chinese stooge.

    ZERO credibility.

  5. The Democrat Virus is far more Dangerous !!! 2020


  6. "..Going back to Dr. Tedros’ time in Ethiopia, where China had one of its first Belt and Road initiatives, corruption, payoffs, bribes, and kickbacks follow fast on the heels of the Belt and Road initiative. And China aggressively campaigned in 2017 for Dr. Tedros to become the head of the W.H.O. You have to ask yourself, why would they do that?"

    --Senator Tom Cotton

  7. Warning: they can make the virus more strong.
    Next release (Fall 2020) will kill more people (stronger strain).

    1. From where do you get your predictions 10:54

    2. director general t.a.g. can kiss my ass. This virus is still not as deadly as the annual flu that arrives every fall

  8. Oh, so NOW we’re supposed to listen to WHO. 😂

  9. All that is needed to slow down or eliminate this virus is 60 days of below freezing weather. Just look at history. Hard winters less virus in the air.

  10. They are probably preparing to infect more people with their "vaccine."

  11. Tedros should be forced to personally test if the fart means of spreading the virus is true. Suspected infected people should be allowed to sit bare-assed on his face and expel. See if the idiot survives after a year or so. If still alive, consider him to be a god---at least of pungent atmospheres.


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