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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Bill Barr threatens to join lawsuits against governors who refuse to roll back stay-home orders – which he compares to 'house arrest'

Attorney General William Barr waded further into a debate over governors' stay-at-home orders meant to slow the spread of the new coronavirus, saying he would not rule out legal action against states if he thought their actions infringed civil liberties.

Governors across the nation have closed businesses and schools and banned social gatherings in the face of a pandemic that has killed more than 45,000 Americans. Over the past week, a smattering of scattered protests have called for those orders to be eased to dull the disease's heavy economic toll.

'We're looking carefully at a number of these rules that are being put into place. And if we think one goes too far, we initially try to jawbone the governors into rolling them back or adjusting them,' Barr said during a radio interview on the Hugh Hewitt show on Tuesday.



  1. What a crazy Psyop

    The Governors are getting marching orders from the Feds. Then the Feds pretend to disagree.

  2. So which is it?

    The states are in charge ...OR the Federal government is going to adjoin a law suit for the states being in charge?

    Can anyone explain?

    1. This is what would be great to know.


  3. Mr. Barr is doing exactly what he is there for-- upholding the Constitution. Popular or not-- that's his job.

    Bravo, sir.

    1. Hear that hogan, you RINO/POS !!!
      What part of holding up the constitution do you not understand?

  4. What is this?? The US AG joining ranks with people suing the Governors for illegal orders??? What, according to all of you know-it-all's any order anyone gives is legal and lawful, and has every right to force you to stay home and not work and wear mask and stand in lines like socialism!!!

    Looks like I was right yet again JOE!!!! So lets keep on demonizing people who come from out of state who owns property here and technically lives here!!!!

    Maybe next time you morons will actually research the laws before thinking you know everything about nothing...

    And let me add this, how is it to sit for the BAR you need to go to law school for 4 to 6 years but cops go to the academy 22 to 24 weeks and think they know everything about the law?? Then you have morons who live in Delmar and SBY who talk to cops and think they know the laws like they wrote them...

    1. Owning property is not the same as living here. Your home is your primary residence and not a second house you visit from time to time. I own property in North Carolina but I am not a resident of that state because my primary home is here in Maryland. If you can't vote in a state election then that state is not your home, period!

  5. Bravo Mr. Barr, start with Maryland.

  6. 10:39am... you are more than welcome to stay at home and hide under the bed forever while letting tyrannical Governors destroy your rights. The rest of us want to be free again. We know the risks and should be let to decide for yourselves.

    1. 11:41 You better read the 10:39 comment again, this time a little slower allowing you to comprehend.

  7. Put the House Democrats under "House Arrest " so we can get things done


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