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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Doctor says coronavirus could be spreading through farts – but experts aren’t so sure

CORONAVIRUS could be spreading through farts, a doctor is warning.

One medic claimed people may be passing the deadly disease on to others through omitting bodily gasses - however experts aren't so sure.

They say the chances of catching Covid-19 through farting is "tiny" and that Covid-19 is mainly transmitted between people through droplets spread from coughing and touching or shaking hands.

Australian doctor Andy Tagg pointed out that farting could cause coronavirus after analysing a series of tests take from coronavirus patients earlier this year.

He cited tests that revealed the virus was present in the faeces of 55 per cent of patients with Covid-19.

And medics have previously warned farts contain tiny poo particles that can spread bacteria.



  1. All the Demon-crats would be dead if FARTING spread the virus !!! LOL

  2. It's a lesser journalist that doesn't know the difference between emitting and omitting and doesn't proofread her work.

  3. How about Dingle-berries ?? Do they spread the virus ???

  4. Get your N95 Depends.

  5. If a fart can pass through a layer of underwear and an layer of thick denim in less than 15 seconds and still carry fart particles then it stands to reason that smaller virus particles can do it, too.

    1. 10:39 There are three categories of elements, solids, liquids, and gases. A fart is a gas, not small solid particles that the coronavirus is made of

    2. Most of the time mine are liquid lmao

  6. Smells like a Nancy Pelosi remark, straight from the mouth where she speaks from all the time.

  7. I'm selling fart pockets, if anyone is interested. It attaches to your butt and catches the fart before it can do any harm. It may be a little uncomfortable though, as it's made of steel. But it works!! It's only $19.99 plus shipping and for a limited time only, you get order a second one , for an additional fee.

  8. We know the fart thing is true it's like Jake Day and Hogan that's why they both grin so much and surround themselves with wanna bees.

  9. Don't tell my wife :)

  10. Ban the baked beans

  11. My ostomy bag works well.

  12. Then you are telling me that these worthless mask that people are wearing wrong is worthless. SO why are the Politians and mad scientist scaring citizens into submissions? Just another way the liberal socialist have found to control citizens.

    1. Exactly 1121, the mask are a joke unless you have a tight seal completely around your nose and mouth, and possibly your eye.

  13. Death by FART !!! A new method China had in mind by the virus !!!!

  14. Northwest Woodsman : I’m told that those experts need to get really close to the source to evaluate the possibility. Democrat perverts and Pedomarxists must be at the bottom of this. No pun intended.

  15. 2:27 There can be small or even large particles if you aren't careful. Like the old saying........."never trust a fart"


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