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Monday, April 20, 2020

State concerned about increase in cases among Sussex County Hispanic communities

State public health officials are bracing for what could be an outbreak of coronavirus cases in certain Sussex County communities. Public health officials say they are ramping up outreach efforts there.

Lab-confirmed cases in Sussex County have more than doubled in the past week. Cases there stood at 336 April 9, and as of Friday, had passed 800.

Gov. John Carney says the state is concerned about what seems to be an increase in cases particularly in Sussex County’s Hispanic community.

A Division of Public Health map shows that as of April 17 the zip code that includes Georgetown has the most cases of any in Sussex County, and is tied with the zip code including New Castle. The map also shows many cases in Millsboro and Milford.

“I’m always concerned about underrepresented communities,”said Gov. John Carney, “And communities that we know start with certain health disparities in terms of a greater burden of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, which put anyone at greater risk to a virus like this, as well as communities that have relative to other communities limited access to transportation.”



  1. It seems to be more prominent amongst the illegal Hispanics.

    1. Really? Do you truly think that? I mean this is a test on your intelligence and reasoning level. You really believe because someone is here illegally they have a higher rate? And Hispanics mind you, not any other ethnicity.

  2. The way the stats are coming out, we probably have over 10,000 that have it or had it. I think I had it. Flu symptoms for 3 days then it was gone. That was January and I had the flu shot.

  3. 317 please enlighten us with the data you found that supports that statement

  4. 3:17, That's just stupid! My fear has been since the beginning, illegals are NOT getting tested or they could be deported. It makes me wonder just how high the numbers really are in Sussex County.

  5. Also Hispanics live 10 or 15 per household. There hygiene is never been good.

  6. A lot if Hispanics work at the chicken plants which are petri dishes for this flu. Milford has 1 line running of 6. Everyone is sick or refusing to come to work.

    1. I do not blame them. The working conditions there are horrible.

  7. Guess how many positive virus cases at AGH are from Delaware? As of 4 days ago 100%. Why aren’t they going to Beebe?

  8. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  9. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.


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