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Monday, April 20, 2020

COVID-19 Update - April 20, 2020


  1. Hogan: Still not wearing what he's requiring citizens to wear..

    1. Shouldn't his interpreter be wearing a mask too, or will that cover all those unnecessary contorted faces he makes? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought sign language was projected with hands not mouths.

  2. Boss Hogg !! Best Governor Md ever had !!! All jokes Aside !!!

    1. Just what are you on - where can I get such mind altering drugs - all jokes aside!!!

    2. I am guessing percocet?

  3. Why do these politicians always have a sign language interpreter beside them? All televisions now have closed captioning. You never see one of these people in a Trump press conference, do you?

  4. Until an accurate denominator can be established, please do not insult my intelligence with "experts" opinion of the severity of the virus, nor tout how the capability of 500,000 tests is a God send; when we are still in the process of destroying peoples' lives, and financial livelihood.

  5. Like him or not you've got to give it to home- he's fighting for his state and thinking outside the box to protect the citizens.

    1. This he is doing, for that he has my utmost respect.

    2. He is a RINO - that tells it all. Can't be trusted. He 8s a puppet for the Democrats who care nothing about Americans. It's all about them.

  6. To 2:32 PM: This is easy to answer... The answer is, it is done to slap you in the face... To show you, that you are the salve and not them... Notice Trump and every governor who goes and does press conferences always has someone, actually has a lot of people standing around them, not using social distancing???? But you will get fined or even locked up if you don't??? Notice this???? Also ever wonder why Trump and everyone else isn't sick though they stand together closely for long periods of time, and even hug and shake hands??? Even after they say they contacted infected people????

  7. 2:48

    He's thinking inside of the Dem box.


  8. When is he fighting for his state? He is allowing out of staters influx into MD and not quarantined or tested and MD numbers are continuing to climb as these out of staters crowd our state. So tell me he is protecting Maryland citizens and use facts on him sealing off these ones bringing in the virus from NY, NJ, Penn and other states that have high infections. You have to be a liberal socialist Democrat to believe that crap.

    1. Actually I am a registered Independent that voted for Trump. See what your assumptions got you? I mean I am sure you are always right about everything, just not this.

  9. Maybe this could result in SK manufacturing to come to MD in the future.

  10. 3;54. I don’t think it’s out of staters causing MD’s numbers to rise. It’s MD residents themselves that won’t follow recommended guidelines and fight these guidelines every step of the way. For every 100 people visiting the local Walmart how many are from out of state. How about Lowe’s or Food Lion. Sure Easy to spot a few out of state plates here and there but really, just be honest with yourself. Everyone that possibly can just needs to stay home.

    1. This is the most accurate comment. People will not stay home! They just cannot do it. What is it that everyone needs so bad? Toilet paper?

    2. I think it is people with no symptoms at all but need to be tested. The more you talk about it the more everyone thinks they gave it.

  11. 4:47
    You hit the nail on the head.
    For all of those complaining about businesses not being opened.....are you doing your part and staying home so we can prevent the catastrophe that other places have endured? Or are you puffing out your chest and saying no one is gonna tell you what to do and was one of the morons wandering around in Home Depot or Lowe’s?
    Thanks to your inability to stay home we now all have to wear a mask in any store because “we” couldn’t follow the rules. You are only prolonging the agony.

    1. 🙏 this is how more people should think.

  12. Boo - stay at home if you are so worried - you won't need that face mask. Kill the economy - then stand in line for surplus food handed out by the Government on a certain day at a certain time only to find out it is 10 lb bag of flour, 1 block of butter, 1 block of cheese. Because that is what is going to happen if we don't get our and work again. I know because as a child I stood in line for surplus food. Nine of this fresh pineapple, produce. Surplus.

  13. I am Boss Hogg & I have my sheriff Rosco P. Coletrain to enforce my rules !!!

    Daisy Dukes is my Unemployment Chief , so your Cks are in the Cue !!!

  14. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  15. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.


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