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Monday, April 20, 2020

From Wicomico County Health Department 4-20-20

Wicomico County has 21 new confirmed positive cases of COVID-19. Wicomico County has a total of 166 total cases. 30 have recovered, 3 discharged from hospital, 95 home recovering, 35 hospitalized, 3 deaths.


  1. and? i'm done staying home!

  2. Finally some truth and statistics from around this area.

  3. Nothing surprising when you have more out of staters in the area. Hogan does not care about Marylanders as long as he follows the Democrat rule.

  4. But they are not testing still, go ahead and try to get tested. Very few meet the criteria. I am sure the number of cases is much higher. That also means the death rate is lower. How can you say our cases are steady increasing when we are not properly testing. As we begin more testing of course our numbers will go up. If we can't reopen until numbers decrease we will have major issues until the testing is done accurately. You can make the data say whatever you want. This is why I think so many have a distrust of what is actually going on.

  5. If we really tested and PRMC quit just sending people home the number of infected would go up more.

  6. yes, they are NOT testing.

  7. They don't have enough tests except for the VERY ill! Give them a break. They are doing the best they can with what they have.

    1. It isn't about being upset or complaining. It is about having accurate data. You can not close and open the country based on data that isn't factual. If we need the numbers to lower for 14 days. How do we even have accurate numbers if we are not properly testing? I think alot of facts are being with held about the virus. It is hard for people to take it serious when our town shows a lack of cases. I do think it is a very dangerous virus. I also think our economy can't handle long term shut downs. But if we plan to rely on data, it must be as accurate as we can make it.

  8. Thank you, 6:06. I'm so sick of the complaining. They're doing the best they can.

  9. How many hospitalized at PRMC came from Delaware's over flow?

  10. Hospitals get 13 K per coronavirus patient and 39 K if they use a ventilator

    1. False.

      Signed your local neighborhood medical billing expert.

  11. I'll have to tell PRMC that next time they send me a bill. Lol. "I am doing the best I can."

  12. Wonder how many people are sick from the Easter day parade?

    1. The Easter Bunny died from the Chinavirus. Thanks to the nitwit mayor!

  13. 9:47 BINGO! Waiting for some comments on that.

  14. Who at the any fire dept tested positive. Was it someone from Jerk Day's infamous picture?

    1. Yes, get your popcorn this is going to be great when it all comes out. It’s more than one :)

  15. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  16. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.


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