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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Should I Ask Like The Liberal Media, Hey Hogan, What Took You So Long?

Rather then cracking on President Trump like the above image in typical liberal fashion does, let's turn it around and simply ask Governor Hogan, (who leads the Governors nation wide) what took you so long and why didn't you help the other 49 states if you're such a so called leader. 


  1. Why go to South Korea to spend Maryland taxpayer dollars?? Got a relative with a stake in the Company??
    All he had to do was ask Mike Pence.

  2. He is a RAT RINO POS.

  3. Perhaps you should take time to look back at the facts as they stand for yourself. You had Mr Blowhard in Chief making promises left and right about getting the states PPE, then lying saying the states had all the PPE they needed. Clearly Hogan and others got tired of the run around

    1. This is EXACTLY right. He told the Governor's to look out for their own states, and they did. So thank you Hogan.

    2. 219 during the governors last conference call with Pence he never mentioned he needed test kits. But then goes on CNN and blasts Trump. Blowhard you say? That would be HoganšŸ™„

    3. LOL too funny the state was it's own worse enemy when it came to ORDERING PPE's. They are still available if your system will let you get them. Hint Hint

    4. Hogan is the run around. He knew what was available - something is not right. What was the deal money wise with South Korea - how much did Hogan receive.

  4. His wife did the whole deal from her native country. Something doesn’t smell right...

  5. Omgosh! Can someone just thank him for looking out for us Marylanders? People crack me up.

    1. OMG can someone say don't pat yourself on the back and give yourself all the attaboy's for doing the job you are elected to do almost. Then blaming being so lazy and all your short coming on the President

    2. NO - he doesn't give Trump a break and look what Trump is doing - an amazing job!

  6. We need a new governor!

    1. I believe with 1500signatures we can then start the process of doing just that.

  7. Can we separate fact from fiction? I had a friend that was tested over a month ago at the Townsend Medical Center, 10th St., Ocean City.(Fact)
    They were conducting tests there, and continue to do so for anyone with symptoms or suspected of having been in contact with a person diagnosed with the virus.(Fact)
    It was disclosed yesterday, by VP Pence that test sights, including above mentioned one are all over the state of Maryland. (Fact)
    Could the taxpayers money used by Hogan to buy what may be superfluous tests, have been directed towards acquiring masks and personal protection for those in need thereof? Yes.(Fact)
    Has the Governor actually embarrassed himself and our great state by trying to upstage the President? That I do not know, but it sure does not look good.

    1. Wow - has your "friend" been sitting in her house as commanded working on gaining weight and raising health issue first 6 weeks? Imagine that and they just tested positive.

  8. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  9. What doesn't smell right is that MD's unemployment benefits NO LONGER WORK. The Hogan family gets a fat commsion check rom N KoreA while the unemployed get NOTHING!!!

  10. Gov, Your Democratic slip is showing.

  11. I was under the impression states are responsible for taking care of their own needs. When did the federal government become the storekeeper for the entire nation?

  12. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  13. Yes , Boss Hog How come we in MD still have NO Unemployment $$$
    in over a month gone by ???

    Even when it goes to your bank You can't get it out without a damn card !!!

    Cards still after a month have not been issued !!!

    Alot of us can't even File until this FRI 4-24-2020 !!! Then wait 4-5 weeks

    NO EXCUSE !!! MD

  14. Hogan just proves he is a Democrat or a puppet of the Democrats led around with a spiked leash. Hogan talks out of both sides of his mouth lying as bad as Pelosi, Van Holland and all the Democrats.

  15. When is the MD Republican party start nominating and supporting true conservative Republicans

  16. 2:19, I would much rather have the President making promises left and right than this POS any day of the week, month or year. Hogan is exactly what you referred to the President as.

  17. He's no leader. Down here we call him the 'Moon man'. He's a looner Governor, that's a 'loon' with an 'er'! Ha! Ha!

  18. Funny, When the crisis arose, she, not he, knew exactly who to call for exactly what was needed. I'd like to have half the money that's being stolen and flim-flamed, for if honestly
    applied to to this disaster would help many a poor person who's just barely getting by. I hope all of the crooks who take it enjoy it in Hell.

  19. If you took the time to listen to the news conference you would have heard that this deal did not happen over night.
    Our governor started working on this as soon as he realized the feds were ignoring the pleas from the states.
    It took awhile to put together and we should be grateful that he has the guts to take a chance to put together a deal for his citizens. Donald is just mad he didn’t think of it sooner.

    1. Should have taken that time to fix his system so Maryland could've purchased supplies from American companies not Korean SMH

    2. 7:30 And people like you votešŸ¤¦‍♀️

  20. Screw the test kits. What happened to my Unemployment benefits?!?!?! MD tells me I have the money but simply refuses to allow me access to it.

    I wonder if S Korea will have as much trouble getting paid for the devices Hogan bought.

  21. Instead of supporting a Maryland company to purchase thousands of face shields he went elsewhere, maybe China, or was it S Korea? I think this a question that needs to be answered, don’t you think so Governor?

  22. Is it reasonable to assume a large number, not all, of those who have lost and will loose their life, would probably died soon either way. It is an ugly truth but a truth regardless. Nature is nature. We live. We die. All of us.

  23. He is looking out for his State. Where are the test kits Mr. Trump

  24. How do you know that he is NOT sharing with the other states.
    He is LITERALLY doing what the President requested,....how is this wrong?

  25. I mean, how crazy do you have to be to think the U.S. Government would help out a state? I mean... the nerve of that guy.

    You know, why the Federal Government didn't reach out to South Korea... I mean... they are killing this thing, right? How often to "States" for relationships with other Sovereign nation governments? Oh that's right... NEVER because that's a duty of the FEDERAL government.

    This is a WIN for Hogan... and another obvious FAILURE in the fraud and charade that this Trump administration is.

    Hogan has shined as a leader, and Trump has failed... to use a Trumpism "Bigly".

  26. @ April 22, 2020 at 5:16 PM

    Really? Did or did he not suggest injecting or using bleach or alcohol or disinfectants in peoples lungs at the press conference yesterday?

    Just stop. His strategy of putting others "in charge" of something then scapegoating them is obvious. His lack of leadership is obvious. His tactic of speaking in "word salad" to get people to fill in the blanks so he can deny saying something is obvious. His narcissistic gas lighting and bullying anyone who points out his failings is obvious. His declaration that his power is total then a dialing back on that is obvious. His own policy that States can't open for 14 days of declining numbers then inciting protesters is absurdly obvious he has no business being President or leader of anything. These things are painfully obvious.

    "An amazing job" as a descriptor is so out of the ball park it's absurd. He is barely eking through this.

  27. Oh we're so lucky. Test kits from S Korea. Can we ever trust they are accurate?

  28. "Anonymous said...
    Perhaps you should take time to look back at the facts as they stand for yourself. You had Mr Blowhard in Chief making promises left and right about getting the states PPE, then lying saying the states had all the PPE they needed. Clearly Hogan and others got tired of the run around

    April 21, 2020 at 2:19 PM"

    You are living in LaLa Land. Hospitals all over had everything they needed. It was all for political show and if you can't see it wasn't then that is on you and sorry you are an ignoramus. cuomo was the worst He's such a liar. This virus has been around months before they are saying it was. People in NY and elsewhere were getting sick end of Dec and Jan with what was called bronchitis, aggressive flu etc Now we see after antibody testing a good percentage of NY'ers did have it and even a larger percentage in NYC. When they closed down the hospitals they had no choice because of $$$$$'s to start admitting everyone who just so much as coughed and even put people on ventilators when chances are they didn't need it. Start using your head

  29. 8:90 are you a liar or an ignoramus? I expect an answer. The President didn't "suggest" any such thing and in no way shape or form can you say he did. He asked if it was possible That is NOT suggesting for you low IQ'er out there. Again I EXPECT you to answer. Are you a liar or are you just another fool who doesn't use your brain and gulps down the MSM propaganda rammed down you throat and repeats like a good little imbecile?


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