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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Len Foxwell Is Mentally Deranged And Sick In The Head


  1. Franchot had my vote until he took up for this moron. But he mentions he is a close family friend, guess that's how you get high paying state jobs.

  2. Frosh is evil and therefore any of his disciples are of the same dark cloth

    1. He works for Franchot not Frost.

  3. Through the snide and snark, he's pointing out that all these morons who think that the virus wont hurt them and insist on going out (in turn further spreading the virus and putting those who are actually participating to save lives at risk), then lets get those mouth breathers all in the same place so the only ones they can infect is themselves.

    The idea of rounding people up is horrifying... but this is a shocking way to tell these selfish fools that they are not just putting themselves at risk, they are putting others at risk.

  4. Yep already knew how vile and evil these losers really are!! Their kind are the ones who line em up against a wall if they really had their way..they will do anything to further their luciferian insane agenda. But really just Cowards when it comes down to it

  5. This proves that Mr. Foxwell and Mr. Franchot believe the political class is superior to the citizens it serves.

  6. Franchot, like a good lil puppet, defended him on his Facebook post.

  7. Response from Peter Franchot:

    "Over the past few hours, I've fielded a few angry messages and texts from people who are demanding that my Chief of Staff, Len Foxwell, resign or be fired. This, in response to satirical comments that he made on his personal social media feed about the Patriot Movement and their willingness to violate "Stay at Home" orders imposed of the Governor of Idaho.

    It has never been my policy to comment on social media content posted by members of my staff, so long as it done on their own time. I won't start now. Suffice to say, however that I remain 100 percent supportive of Len Foxwell and the exceptional work he continues to do for me and for the people of Maryland. He is an exceptional public servant, a dear family friend, and I look forward to his continued service as my Chief of Staff for years to come.

    Enjoy your evening and the rest of this weekend. Stay safe, everyone!

    1. Just disturb my his "sick" comments that make me wonder how he can be in such an important job that relates to people of Maryland and feel such hatred. Think that one over. Needs to resign.

  8. I agree that 8:16 has interpreted this properly.

  9. Foxwell is an arrogant jerk! He needs to be fired!

  10. I would like to beat his punk ass. Has anyone noticed that he and Jake Day act just alike? Peter Franchot is just the same way with his attacking constituents. They all need their asses whooped.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Through the snide and snark, he's pointing out that all these morons who think that the virus wont hurt them and insist on going out (in turn further spreading the virus and putting those who are actually participating to save lives at risk), then lets get those mouth breathers all in the same place so the only ones they can infect is themselves.

    The idea of rounding people up is horrifying... but this is a shocking way to tell these selfish fools that they are not just putting themselves at risk, they are putting others at risk.

    April 20, 2020 at 8:16 AM

    Sounds like you are defending this creep! I bet you defend Jake Day as well.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Yep already knew how vile and evil these losers really are!! Their kind are the ones who line em up against a wall if they really had their way..they will do anything to further their luciferian insane agenda. But really just Cowards when it comes down to it

    April 20, 2020 at 8:21 AM

    He thinks he is a Barny Badass! But he is nothing but a Keyboard Koward!

  13. Anonymous said...
    This proves that Mr. Foxwell and Mr. Franchot believe the political class is superior to the citizens it serves.

    April 20, 2020 at 8:22 AM

    You left out Jake Day.

  14. Ghee said...
    Franchot, like a good lil puppet, defended him on his Facebook post.

    April 20, 2020 at 8:25 AM

    There are some that think it was Len Foxwell himself who made the posts for Franchot.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Response from Peter Franchot:

    "Over the past few hours, I've fielded a few angry messages and texts from people who are demanding that my Chief of Staff, Len Foxwell, resign or be fired. This, in response to satirical comments that he made on his personal social media feed about the Patriot Movement and their willingness to violate "Stay at Home" orders imposed of the Governor of Idaho.

    It has never been my policy to comment on social media content posted by members of my staff, so long as it done on their own time. I won't start now. Suffice to say, however that I remain 100 percent supportive of Len Foxwell and the exceptional work he continues to do for me and for the people of Maryland. He is an exceptional public servant, a dear family friend, and I look forward to his continued service as my Chief of Staff for years to come.

    Enjoy your evening and the rest of this weekend. Stay safe, everyone!

    April 20, 2020 at 8:26 AM

    Some think this was Len Foxwell's doing. Wouldn't surprise me but Franchot is a Jackass just the same. Foxwell, Franchot and Day are 3 peas in a pod.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Foxwell is an arrogant jerk! He needs to be fired!

    April 20, 2020 at 8:32 AM

    I agree 100%, Fire that asshole.

  17. If Franchot thinks he is getting my vote he is braindead as long as he keeps Foxwell around.

  18. Anonymous said...
    I agree that 8:16 has interpreted this properly.

    April 20, 2020 at 8:28 AM

    You must be 8:16, the Jake Day supporter.

  19. THIS will be Franchot's Achilles heel.
    Has any liberal not learned that speech like this torpedoed Lying Hillary's campaign. You can't alienate half of the electorate and expect to win.

  20. Len is a FB friend of mine and I can't find his FB account anywhere. That coward little pu$$y put his page in hiding. If he is innocent and it was just a "satirical post" then WTH is that coward in hiding?

  21. The sad state of our politics now is that were he Republican this would be all over the news, both locally and nationally. However, he is a democrat, so he gets a pass. I.e. Kavanaugh compared to Biden. Sad, sad place we are in.

  22. Maryland Comptroller says he supports staffer in wake of social media comments
    by Tiffany WatsonSaturday, April 18th 2020

    WBFF) -- Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot responded to many calls from angry citizens in regards to controversial comments about the "Patriot Movement" recently made by his Chief of Staff, Len Foxwell, on social media.

    "This Facebook post is no longer available. It may have been removed or the privacy settings of the post may have changed."

    Franchot's Facebook post states:

    Over the past few hours, I've fielded a few angry messages and texts from people who are demanding that my Chief of Staff, Len Foxwell, resign or be fired. This, in response to satirical comments that he made on his personal social media feed about the Patriot Movement and their willingness to violate "Stay at Home" orders imposed by the Governor of Idaho.
    It has never been my policy to comment on social media content posted by members of my staff, so long as it is done on their own time. I won't start now. Suffice to say, however, that I remain 100 percent supportive of Len Foxwell and the exceptional work he continues to do for me and for the people of Maryland. He is an exceptional public servant, a dear family friend, and I look forward to his continued service as my Chief of Staff for years to come.


  23. Does anyone remember when Liberal Pete wanted to ban anything from the State of Alabama after they passed strict abortion laws? He wanted to use his power as the Maryland Comptroller to stop Maryland from doing any business with anything and anyone from the State of Alabama.

    There were a lot of people going on his FB page and giving him Hell. It was comical but embarrassing watching Franchot attack his constituents who didn't agree with him. It was attack post after attack post from Franchot and ever since then, I refuse to support him ever again.

  24. buy more ammo- you're gonna need it

  25. Don't worry Len your day is coming.

  26. Foxwell is a nothing and his supportive boss is also. They are two peas in a pod. Peter keeps him around to express his opinions without signing his name.

  27. A product of Salisbury University. Expect nothing less.

    1. Exactly and I heard he was a Republican back then at SU Proves many Republicans are RINO’s


  28. Franchot is ill served by having this guy on his staff, especially in a high position on the totem pole and with a lot of public visibility.

    If Foxwell was working in the private sector we could just chalk his post up to an idiot with access to a keyboard. But that's not the case. He's the right-hand man to the second highest elected official in Maryland. His boss is thought to have his eye on the governor's job.

    Given Franchot's comments, one is left to conclude that he values and will continue to rely on this babbling idiot. That tells us as much about Franchot's judgement as we need to know. Draw your own conclusions.

  29. 910 - Pete will ALWAYS be remembered for his constant buffoonery and handling of alcohol rules in MD. Particularly that of Montgomery Co and here on the eastern shore.

    Now supporting his a$$hat employee saying what is written on their time on their own social media account is ok? Sorry, as civil/public servants each minute of your day is ridiculed all the time. See past challenges in Prince George's County where workers who on their own time did things that required LEO intervention and what happened? FIRED!

    Pete - stop embarrassing yourself and retire now.

  30. He is just showing his true feels, along with others in Annapolis of what they think of people who live and work outside of the Baltimore Washington Corridor. Especially the Eastern Shore and Western Maryland.

    To them we are just an irritant of people who refuse to tow the Democratic Party line and would be more than happy to see us all rounded up and eliminated.

    It only takes a crisis to see someone's true feelings!

    The hidden prejudices just under the surface

  31. My take on this is: LIBERAL=NAZI

  32. "It has never been my policy to comment on social media content posted by members of my staff, SO LONG AS IT IS DONE ON THEIR OWN TIME"!!??!!

    This was not done on his own time. This was posted at 12:13pm ON TAX PAYER FUNDED TIME.

    Now you might say he was on his lunch but he is a salaried employee of the state. What time does he take his lunch? I bet you dont know and never will.

    This is political BS and he is using tax payer dollars to churn it out.

  33. Your are right 11:13, I believe it was the Nazi's that thought it was a good idea to round people up for death. Don't for get that they dis-armed them first.

  34. By the way - this low life is being paid more than $175,000 per year to insult Maryland taxpayers that were operating under constitutional protection. Maybe if we could get him a raise, he could act in civil and professional manner.

  35. Len, your idea of a good time is disturbing and has probably placed you on several watch lists... Good luck in Hell!

  36. foxwell's a democrat so this is to be expected. Good people are not EVER democrats. democrats are those who were spawned by trash and spawn nothing but more trash democrats best not ever forget they are wastes of a life who none are worthy enough to be even be breathing the same air as the good just moral people of the Republican party Not being "hateful" either since it's time they are told the truth about what horrid useless wastes they all are and how any with just a drop of moral blood will change and vote Republican. Only bad people vote democrat and this is not debatable. Gotta love the democrats who think if they quote scripture they are Christians You can not be a democrat and a Christian YOu aren't fooling God. He sees your evil ways and He will make you pay.

  37. Lennie Boi is back at it again posting his silly attacks on Conservatives.

    Has anyone ever noticed that Jake Day, Len Foxwell and Peter Franchot are like 2 peas in a pod attacking people that don't agree with them?

    When Alabama had a statewide law against abortions maybe a year ago, Franchot said pubically that Maryland will not do business with any businesses from Alabama. When several people questioned Franchot about it on his FB page he went into attack mode. Something tells me it could have been Len Foxwell writing the attack posts but it is under Franchot's name and Franchot is a Democrat. I have seen Franchot get ignorant in public as well.

  38. Anonymous said...
    Franchot had my vote until he took up for this moron. But he mentions he is a close family friend, guess that's how you get high paying state jobs.

    April 20, 2020 at 8:10 AM

    He never had my vote. I've already seen through those A$$holes a long time ago. Len Foxwell was a RINO until he switched parties for his hero Pete.

  39. Peter, Peter, Pecker Eater!

  40. I remember when Josh Hastings used to work for Peter Franchot. There was a lot of male bonding going on if you know what I mean. Wink, Wink.


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