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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Rose McGowan Calls on Joe Biden to Drop Out as Tara Reade Allegation Roils Campaign

Joe Biden has most of corporate Hollywood and a growing slate of celebrities supporting his bid for the White House. But there is a lone Hollywood figure who is creating a major commotion by calling foul on his campaign — Rose McGowan.

The Charmed actress may not seem like a heavyweight who could inflict damage on a major political career. But since former Biden staffer Tara Reade alleged that the candidate sexually assaulted her nearly three decades ago, McGowan has become a one-woman army calling out the hypocrisy of Hollywood and media elites, especially Alyssa Milano, who have backed the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements but are still supporting the presumptive Democrat nominee.



  1. Now we need him to stay in the race...that he can't win!
    He will be easily handled by our President...

    Four more years - of Liberal tears!

    This is exactly what they tried to do to President Trump - with significantly less compelling evidence!

  2. Demon-crats are Finally Getting Theirs !!!! 2020 LOve it !!!!

  3. What scares me is hanging chads, illegals, Soros $,paid, double & dead voters,..DEMOCRATS cheat in case you didnt know..its how that that loser obama won.. a nobody from nowhere with no accomplishments No hope!! Gore and hillary thought the fix was in, obama was not even eligable, yet the swamp turns on their luciferian power & influence via their churches. The media,lodges,UN,Swampees, etc, and #$it happens. Pray we dont have a repeat of twisted evil of the obama era.

  4. Still don’t think Biden will be the candidate. Public outcry will tank him and he will fade due to health. Stacy Abrams will DEMAND she be picked.

  5. He too arrogant & will Never Drop out !!! Throw him out !!!

  6. He still plays hide the finger and smells girls.

  7. I don't understand McGowan's tactic. I mean, where is her outrage and call for resignation at the multiple accusers of the same discretion leveled at the incumbent candidate?

    And, considering the outpouring of support from right wingers and right wing media, decrying as false accusations, and innocent till proven guilty during the Kavanaugh approval process I am shocked that the reactions here aren't the same as they were for Kavanaugh.

    Unless all the "moral" virtue signalling isn't really that at all, and people don't REALLY care about something unless it affects their party leanings. What a shame.

    Is it so absurd to ask for a little integrity, a little consistency?

  8. Like I said Uncle Joe used to come in a restaurant that I ran in the beach area. Even the owner and wait staff would get the willeys when he would come in. Hes a POS and will always be a POS.

  9. Hey ladies, apparently ya better hope like hell if you get RAPED, that its a republican, cuz it's looking like IF democrat rapes you, it ain't gonna fly! Hey...when dud the New York Times become the end all for truth? Thid is OUTRAGEOUS and EVERYONE should be upset!!!!

  10. Good topic for the wacky ones on The View.


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