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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

2020 Presidential Race

With the first fundraising reports of the 2020 cycle in, we are starting to get a picture of who among the large field of Democratic candidates are able to stand out from the crowd and attract donor support. Although President Donald Trump had a two-year head start, a number of Democratic candidates, through a variety of methods, have managed to pull together sizable war chests. At the same time, groups working on behalf of a number of candidates – leadership PACs, super PACs, 501(c)(4) dark money outlets and more – have also emerged and are already spending in support of their favored candidates.

Amount raised by candidates, so far: $2,484.1 million

(Lighter bar represents candidate committee money; darker bar represents outside money.)
Donald Trump (R) Incumbent

Billionaire real estate developer, businessman and television personality Donald Trump — who had never held public office — flirted with the idea of running for president for decades before jumping into the 2016 race. After running an unconventional and underfunded campaign in 2016 but receiving free media attention valued at about $5 billion, Trump’s reelection campaign looks to be flush with cash. Having declared his 2020 bid the day he took office, Trump has drawn unprecedented fundraising hauls, attracting both large and small donors.


OUTSIDE MONEY: $47,780,633



  1. There will be no election. He will usurp Divine Providence not for the Nation but for his warped Ego.

    1. Hello Chen. Your English is good. Where in China are you from ?

    2. Earth to 5:14...Dang dude, can I have some of whatever it is you're smoking? Like Trimp, or Hate him, is of no concern to me, but the HATE, and disinformation I hear you whack jobs are spouting is sick man. Again love him, hate him, who cares. Hes done more positives for this country in 3 years, under INCESSSNT hate, vitriol, and BLATEN LIES from the media, hollywood, the left and he just keeps moving forward. I'm sorry that bothers you, but he's done what he said. Now, go climb back into your parents basement, and let the adults pull this once wonderful country back from the black hole the medias been pulling us into. We'll IM ya when its safe to come out!...Over & Out

  2. TRUMP 2020 --demonrats SUCK


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