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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Jeff Sessions says China ‘anger’ resonating

Former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions admits it’s “a bit strange” to be running for office without being able to hit the road and campaign in-person.

But the former Republican senator -- locked in a tough runoff battle with former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville for the Republican nomination for the Alabama Senate seat he once held -- says he’s hearing a lot about China from voters as he works from home, but uses phone and video conferencing to campaign. (The March 31 contest with Tuberville was rescheduled by Alabama to July 14 because of the outbreak).

“There has also been a lot of frustration and anger with China,” Sessions told Fox News. “People are very aware of how China covered up the virus, especially at the beginning in Wuhan, and Alabamians want the Chinese government to be held accountable.”




  1. we want the democrats held accountable...and people in hell want ice water. Give china imunity to testify we want names!!!

  2. So what. China gonna China. Ain't a damn thing we can do about it.

  3. Who cares what this light weight has to say. he is responsible for the dems winning the house because he didn't have the internal fortitude to stand up for the President !

  4. Do you all see the shift in the media now? As the virus still kills they brainwash everyone with the same rhetoric of American's want to get back to work and use China. Yes China is 100% to blame most certainly, but can we focus on this issue that still presents a problem to all of us. And how about the infection rate of releasing everyone back out together.


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