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Monday, April 20, 2020

Port business owner facing charges for Sunday crowds

PORT DEPOSIT — Maryland State Police from the North East barrack have sent information to the Cecil County State's Attorney's Office for possible prosecution of Lee's Landing Dock Bar for alleged violation of the Maryland COVID-19 regulations.

However the owner of the business, Dave Carey, said he was following Gov. Larry Hogan's regulations for social distancing and crowd size "to the letter of the law" and is troubled that 15 uniformed officers from 4 different law enforcement agencies responded to Lee's Landing Sunday.

Greg Shipley, spokesman for MSP, said police were at Lee's Landing at Rowland Drive in Port Deposit Sunday around 2:30.

"Responding troopers estimated the crowd upon their arrival to be about 70 people who were on the ‘boardwalk’ portion of the business. Individuals were seen eating and drinking," Shipley said via email.



  1. Shame on Them!

    Out there having fun while the rest of us are cooped up at home.
    Makes me boiling mad.

    1. Just because you live in fear, does not mean that we must also live in FEAR!

  2. Why are these law enforcement officers arresting drug dealers and locking up thugs instead of bothering businesses

    1. 603

      that's too scary

      they rather harass law Abiding workers.

  3. Finally police are doing something about people making money. Now arrest and toe out of state cars and live stream it.

    1. 608 it’s tow not toe and I agree. I don’t want ANYONE DISOBEYING Hogan sets the rules and we FOLLOW.

  4. Were the 15 uniformed law enforcement officers social distancing? Pic says, "No"...

  5. This is what the fear-mongers wanted. Now they've got it...a totalitarian police state. Good job!

  6. 6:03 becasue it is about you being the slave and them showing you who is the boss!! That is why they harass these people, instead of going for real crime... They even said they are releasing people from jail, not going to petty crimes calls, yet here they are, on a pretty crime call!!!!!

    What is even more funny is HOW STUPID YOU ALL ARE. A simple research into the laws and you will see the governor has no authority to force you to stay in your house or wear mask or make you social distance!!!! They only reason this sort of works is becasue you have coward cops refusing to look into the laws and only do as their are told!!!

    1. You call everyone "stupid" on each of your replies. Try to come up with another word, please us stupid people beg you!

  7. Either we follow Trumps rules and guidance or not. If you chose not to then face the consequences. You do have a choice

  8. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  9. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.


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