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Monday, April 20, 2020

OC Air Show will be rescheduled for later this summer

The OC Air Show will be rescheduled for later this summer. OC Air Show officials are currently working with representatives from the military to identify a date. Once event officials receive guidance on this, a new date for the event will be announced.

“The OC Air Show is one of the top annual economic impact generating events in Ocean City” said Bryan Lilley, chairman of the OC Air Show. With the distress that COVID-19 is causing to the local economy we are making a tremendous effort to reschedule the event and do our part to help all the local businesses that prosper every year on air show weekend.”

Tickets that have already been purchased for the VIP Penthouse, Skybox, Flight Line Club and Drop Zone Beach will be honored on the rescheduled date.



  1. Try later next year.

  2. Uhhh sorry later Rickie but this year won't work either. Nice try though.

  3. OC will not have to spend a dime to bring in any kind of entertainment this year.

    Just open up, they will come.

  4. How about a refund not a rain check loser

  5. All the locals will have it nice and empty for the summer.

  6. Not if larry has his way
    He just wants to destroy the economy like the rest of the dems

    1. How dare he look out for our safety and try to keep the virus spreading like a wildfire! The most important thing is we get to OC and smash sweat filled fries in our face.

  7. This is not a good sign. And Dover cancelling July 4th. Put your seat belt on. Looks like we will be on house arrest through part of the summer.

  8. Time for Jake Day to announce the Folk Festival won't happen.

  9. NOT Happening all you Fools in O.C !!! Summer Now Over !!!!

  10. CDC memo was recommending "Shelter in place thru entire year".

  11. Disney world and land said they not reopening till spring 2021

  12. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  13. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.


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