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Monday, April 20, 2020

Guest on Chinese-produced Arabic-language program claimed US may be to blame for coronavirus pandemic

A newly uncovered claim, from a Chinese-produced program broadcast to the Arab world last month, suggested the U.S. may be responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a transcript released Friday from a media research group.

The debunked charges were made by a “Ms. V,” a Chinese vlogger, during an episode of “China View,” broadcast on CGTN Arabic TV, a subsidiary of a state-owned media organization in China. The channel has had at least 14 million viewers.

On the March 17 episode, Ms. V told Arab audiences that COVID-19, which has infected more than 2.4 million and killed at least 165,000 globally, did not come from a seafood market in Wuhan as originally thought.

“Chinese researchers reported in a new research that the transmission of the new coronavirus had started since last December outside this market,” she said, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which has monitored TV and social media throughout the Arab world.



  1. It is the fault of the US. We bought into their bs and have sold have the country to the Chinese. Many US businesses sold out the American worker and sent good paying jobs over there and the beaucrats were ok with it and set it all up so that they could get all the kickback from it all. We owe the Chinese a ton of money where the US has been for years depending on the bank of China for our debts. The US got into bed with the devils and the American people always are the ones to pay the price for it. The baboons asses in Annapolis and DC make out like fat rats from all the crooked deals. Ask Joe Biden and Obama about that. So yes. The US did this through their greed.

  2. We have our Propaganda, they have theirs.

  3. Mean while on Fox News China is calling for a stop to the "blame game."

  4. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  5. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.


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