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Monday, April 20, 2020

Poll: Half of All US Small Businesses on Verge of 'Closing Forever'

The president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Sunday said its latest poll shows a "terrifying" fact that one out of 10 members say they’re less than a month away from permanently going out of business.

In an interview on CBS News’ “Face The Nation,” chamber head Suzanne Clark said the poll also showed “something like 50% of small businesses say that they were eight weeks away from closing forever.”

“It's really terrifying these numbers,” she said.

“And so that's why these bridge programs are so important. But also why it's so important that we start to think about reopening in a gradual, phased-in way.”



  1. total bs from our government, shouldn't all the politicians be foregoing their paychecks too?
    you'll never see them suffer like the rest of us!

  2. The Power of Government. Shut down small business and make us beg like dogs for scraps. Thanks but no thanks.

  3. Without a true plan and throwing money (with stipulations) onto a daily growing problem DOES NOT WORK.

  4. Good, maybe then Ocean City will be less crowded and families can enjoy it without all the jerks.

    1. The revenue they bring keeps OC going.

    2. And you won't be able to afford to live in OC anymore because your taxes that tourist were paying for will now be your responsibility. Trust me it is so. Just look at Atlantic City NC. Time to show some respect for those poor tourists that waste their money in OC. You should be thankful. I wouldn't spend a dime there - too many other good beaches to go to.

  5. 8:16
    The politicians work for the corporation: US Government

    They don’t work for you or me. Why would you think they do? It’s silly.

  6. No Wonder !! Big Business gets ALL the $$$$$$$$ !!!!

  7. Big business will have to Start paying ALL the taxes for a change !! WOOO !

  8. They will just Re-start-up in a NEW name next week & all will be fine !!!!

  9. We cannot even file for unemployment yet! All the money will be gone by the time we can (our personal and the government).

  10. Excellent point 10:37! lets see how much tax money those idiots get when they shut down small businesses. I hope they can cover unemployment too!

  11. They can just use Bankruptcy laws to get them off & start over like Trump !!

    He said that was just SMART Business at the 2026 election when asked !!!

    WE pee-ons (workers / employees ) are Not called SMART if we do it !!!

    WE get 10 years of Bad credit for doing it !!!

  12. with out all the PA, NJ and NYC jerks maybe OC will be just for Marylanders this season.

  13. Big Business gets their checks alot faster than the rest of us !!!

    WHY , when they get Millions or Billions & we get (LIKE Pelosi says ) Crumbs

    We have to wait Weeks / Months with all kinds of Restrictions & Rules !!!!


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