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Monday, April 20, 2020

Dr. David Katz: Coronavirus vaccine or herd immunity are only ways life can fully return to normal

Dr. David Katz, the founding director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center in Connecticut, has warned that while social distancing is helping to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus, it is also preventing the development of the "herd immunity" needed by the public to resume their normal lives before a vaccine is developed.

Katz cited the case of some Asian nations who appeared to stop the spread with lockdown-style mitigation strategies, only to see an increase in cases once restrictions were relaxed.

"That's what will happen if you lock everybody away from everybody else and kind of wait until things get better and then let everybody out into the world," Katz told "Life, Liberty & Levin" in an interview airing Sunday.



  1. Well we do know that politicians think we are just a Herd of Sheep and are stupid. Want proof just look at what is running for president in a major party. How could anyone with a real brain even think of supporting a man that witnessed the Wright Brothers, the Hindenburg Disaster, the 1st. World war and thinks he is running for Senate?

  2. Biden said that the govt. needs to do a better job on this virus then what he remembers they did during the Spanish Flu.


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