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Monday, April 20, 2020

Local Loop with Sheriff Mike Lewis


  1. Mike have you laid off your officers ? Bc we don't see them doing patrol.

    1. Required by law to social distance. Just stay at home and keep collecting your free money for doing nothing. Mind your business.

    2. @11:22 I've not collected the 1st cent for anything. Yet I have not seen law enforcement out doing anything but shooting radar. You know, the ones our tax dollars pay. So yes, we have a right to bring up awareness about the subject and ask questions.

  2. Lowes in Salisbury has there first case of COVID 19, just heard from an employee there.....

  3. Deputy Dog !!! Loves the spotlight !!!

  4. Rosco P. Coletrain !!! Working for Gov Boss Hogg !!!

  5. "... have you laid off your officers ?..."

    That's the problem. Government employees don't get laid off. Practically the only people taking home paychecks work for the federal, state or local governments.

    1. Not necessarily true. During the Great Recession, Rick Pollitt enforced mandatory furloughs upon all Wicomico County employees. Lasted 2 years. That’s the truth.

    2. Probably not now because city employees are "working" tent city on lake st.

  6. Loving keeping you home & giving you orders !!! $5,000 fine + Jail too if
    you DisObey !!!

  7. LOVE making the Govt pay me for staying home < lets Keep this system !!!

  8. Gestapo Chief !!! Learned from Goering !!! LOL

  9. Perdue Salisbury plant has at least 4 cases and one has died

  10. His is the only law enforcement that does work in Salisbury and Wicomico County, he's better than them even on a bad day: Jake Day, Barbara Duncan and Jamie Dykes. Be thankful we have him I know his is the only office too that gives us actual figures of Crime calls including murder, rape and forced entry breakins do you get that anywhere else? The answer is NO YOU DO NOT.

  11. Lewis rocks. He works because Duncan and Day only worry about telling us lies that there is less crime and showing they do not have to show what they preach and social distance. He would make better mayor and acually do something. Day is so liberal that he only cares about parades and tent city.

  12. Salisbury Police used to say that the Sheriffs & State police were Worthless
    & that the Real police were the city police !!!

    Fact !!

  13. Where is Daisy Dukes ??? Put out an APB !!! LOL LOL

  14. We call the state police if needed.
    Had a bunch of college kids renting next door. Sheriff Lewis and his Mayberry Police force were useless.
    State police addressed the situation and quickly..
    They had no conflict of interest like lewis did .........with the landlord he went hunting with.

    1. College students can’t live next door?

  15. She got old and fat.

  16. Doesn't he look and act like Joe Exotic the Tiger King guy. Struttin' little peacock isn't he?

  17. 2 term limits for all !!!

  18. Lewis

    get a real job instead of sucking off my tax dollars, and going on tax payers vacations

    I heard there is a new WIZARD OF OZ movie in the making...

    You can be one of the Munchkins in the flower beds

  19. Can't get a cop when you need a cop !!! Always holds true !!!

    Any other time, they are everywhere !!!


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