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Saturday, April 04, 2020

Pentagon Fires Navy Captain Who Spoke Out About Response To Aircraft Carrier Outbreak Of COVID-19

This is turning into a major sh*tstorm...

The Pentagon has relieved Navy Capt. Brett Crozier, the commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, from command of the aircraft carrier after he allegedly leaked a copy of a scathing letter he wrote to top brass requesting that all but the bare minimum (he said 10% ) of the sailors on his boat be let off to prevent a brutal outbreak of COVID-19.

Reports about the sailors, the first aboard a ship on active duty to test positive for COVID-19, first emerged last week, and the situation has become a growing hot potato as the White House and Pentagon have resisted allowing the sailors to disembark.

Similar to how Trump initially wanted to keep the passengers of the 'Diamond Princess' from leaving the ship, it's believed Trump pressured the Pentagon not to let the sailors off because it would look bad for the administration. There are 4,865 sailors on board, and

But Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly replied that he didn't believe leaving only 10% behind would be appropriate. "Our plan has always been to remove as much of the crew as we can while maintaining for the ship's safety," he said. "This ship has weapons on it, it has munitions on it, it has expensive aircraft, and it has a nuclear power plant. It requires a certain number of people on that ship to maintain the safety and security of the ship."



  1. You dont get to violate the chain of command in the U.S. military.

  2. "Similar to how Trump initially wanted to keep the passengers of the 'Diamond Princess' from leaving the ship, it's believed Trump pressured the Pentagon not to let the sailors off because it would look bad for the administration."
    I believe that only the lefties believe that statement. While the captain had the best of intentions, it is unlikely that his sailors were at risk of death. His career has died. He could have been more proactive had he not granted shore leave in at risk ports and had limited contact.

    It is very easy for the writers to say that "others believed" without ever naming anyone. It is also crap.

  3. There is a video online of him leaving. Everyone should watch it.

  4. Crozier ignored his chain of command. Even worse, he went public with his contention that the TR was not combat effective. The commander of a major military asset such as the TR should not commit such egregious violations of military protocol under any circumstances. He should face a court martial.

  5. He was unfit to serve

  6. So he's fired for one email sent the wrong way..who do we know that sent tens of thousands of emails the "wrong way" and NOTHING happened to her????

  7. so wrong on so many levels! total bs from the brass in charge!
    That's one hell of an officer to put the needs of his men ahead of his career! need more like him!

    1. Actually he did it because he is a candy ass trying to protect himself and then cowardly leaked it to the media and on top of that said the ship wasn’t battle ready ... he should be court marshaled

  8. The fact is he went out of the chain of command, a procedure our military and Country relies on. Good riddance!

  9. This guy had a few sick onboard and wanted to release thousands from the ship into the community. So he writes an email cc ‘d 20 friends and sent it to the media. He didn’t care about the crewmen or community he was out to save himself. We have cruise ships still at sea for over a month ! This guy is a coward and should be court marshaled

  10. I knew that was coming as soon as he did it !!! Military is Not a Democracy
    & all are Expendable !!! He should have known what would happen !!!

    No Place for politics for the Rank & File !! Only those at the Top get that !!

  11. Hmm, seems odd that originally stated only 100 sailors were effected, but now they are saying over 2,000 of the 4,000 crew were evacuated to hotels. Is my math betraying me, or is there some bs in the chain of command.

  12. Both those Civilians Govt put in charge of Military are SNAKES !!!!


  13. Maybe the most famous line from 'Cool Hand Luke' is "What we have here is a failure to communicate."

    The TR is one of 13 carriers, and was one of two in that theater which is perhaps the most sensitive at this time. About 5,000 aboard. TR had a port call earlier in March in DaNang, Vietnam which was only second US ship there since 1995. Someone, including the fired captain, made the decision to dock and grant liberty ashore. At that point Vietnam was viewed as less contagious than other countries in Asia. It was a PR visit.

    The Navy published guidance March 15 about the virus: https://www.c7f.navy.mil/Media/News/Display/Article/2112751/navy-sets-coronavirus-transfer-and-travel-rules-what-you-need-to-know/

    The TR had docked in Guam at US Navy base before the fired skipper unleashed his email barrage. His direct supervisor was stationed onboard the TR with an office just down the hall. By that point a few sailors had virus symptoms. We don't have any indication yet that he spoke with his boss before hitting his keyboard. Skipper ignored his other chain-of-command options by sending an unsecure email to multiple recipients. From a tactical perspective he scuttled his ship at the dock.

    It is important for an officer, any officer, to be very concerned about the welfare of subordinates. He had a few who were sick and the prospect that more would become ill. But there were significant medical resources aboard which could be supplemented by medical resources from the base ashore. His preferred solution was to essentially abandon ship and dump his crew ashore where they would spread any infection to a wider area.

    The video snippet I saw shows a complete breakdown of order. No social distancing in that crew. The next skipper will be faced with a monumental task to restore order.

    He show be court martialed for the email and chain-of-command actions, and for the evident morale issue on display. Out of the service and perhaps in the brig.

  14. After all the years it takes to be a Capt of a carrier , then they kick you to
    the curb like trash !!!

    Shows you are Expendable & never safe with any rank !!!

    Keep the Civilian politics OUT of military, very dangerous !!!

    Who wants to be just a YES man , when YOU should be in charge &
    be able to voice what you deem necessary ?? Anyone who speaks out
    is a Gonner !!! Even 4 star Generals are treated like kids !!!

  15. Yes, he should've been applauded by his crew.
    And YES, he should've been removed.
    One of the very first things we learned in boot camp was "Chain of Command".
    It was bad judgment - VERY bad judgment on his part.
    Personally, I would rather not see someone that exhibits bad judgment in control of one of the most powerful weapons in our arsenal.
    He will now be the Captain of a desk in some office in the Pentagon.
    Sad to say, that's where he belongs.
    (Written by a Vietnam Era vet.)

  16. Military keeps a LID on things & don't want anything getting out !!!
    Just like all the RAPE cases by the thousands that were covered up !! FACT


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