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Saturday, April 04, 2020

Here Comes The Next Crisis: Up To 30% Of All Mortgages Will Default In "Biggest Wave Of Delinquencies In History"

Unlike in the 2008 financial crisis when a glut of subprime debt, layered with trillions in CDOs and CDO squareds, sent home prices to stratospheric levels before everything crashed scarring an entire generation of homebuyers, this time the housing sector is facing a far more conventional problem: the sudden and unpredictable inability of mortgage borrowers to make their scheduled monthly payments as the entire economy grinds to a halt due to the coronavirus pandemic.

And unfortunately this time the crisis will be far worse, because as Bloomberg reports mortgage lenders are preparing for the biggest wave of delinquencies in history. And unless the plan to buy time works - and as we reported earlier there is a distinct possibility the Treasury's plan to provide much needed liquidity to America's small businesses may be on the verge of collapse - an even worse crisis may be coming: mass foreclosures and mortgage market mayhem.

Borrowers who lost income from the coronavirus, which is already a skyrocketing number as the 10 million new jobless claims in the past two weeks attests, can ask to skip payments for as many as 180 days at a time on federally backed mortgages, and avoid penalties and a hit to their credit scores. But as Bloomberg notes, it’s not a payment holiday and eventually homeowners they’ll have to make it all up.

According to estimates by Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi, as many as 30% of Americans with home loans – about 15 million households – could stop paying if the U.S. economy remains closed through the summer or beyond.



  1. Most Americans have little or no savings, and are in debt big time. They try to finance a materialistic lifestyle.
    Then, when the unexpected happens.............DISASTER! Typically, they blame everyone but themselves!
    No self-discipline, and equate having things, with “success.”

    1. Mmm, you have a point, to a point. Ego can be very expensive. And then there's the ones living within their means caught up in this. At the bottom line it's all the same. Behaviour doesn't count.

  2. Lawsuits have been filed...

    matter of time before they are heard, and our lifestyle returns to normal

    turn off TV

    1. I agree 5:25, this is just a bump in the road. There is a song about the main stream media, it's called Dirty Laundry. All they want to report is negativity. If there's not enough to fill the front page or 1/2 hr of air time the dream up falsehoods.

  3. Corrupt buffoons in congress and the WH on both sides of the aisle would rather buy votes with a fake "stimulus payment" to regular folks while handing out a trilion dollar boondoggle to their political and corporate friends. Fannie and Freddie own most of the mortgage debt. With interest rates at zero and more money being printed, they could have gave every american a pause on mortgage payments for 2 months . That would prevent defaults and stop evictions. Plus put instant money in the hands of consumers to boost both consumer demand and investment in stocks by the little guy. This is not rocket science and im no genius. You ever wonder why common sense solutions dont make the cut? Look in the mirror. You lemmings keep blindly following a politician and political party without holding them accountable to the truth.

  4. The prices are too high so people have no savings. The prices are high because of the currency debasement. The Fed inflated the currency

    1. So true 7:35, the average 40 hour worker has no money left to save after paying for essentials.

  5. 12:29...another holier-than-thou dumbass.

    MANY good people have struggled with supporting their older parents, paying outrageous medical bills, and a dozen other problems that are no fault of their own.
    They live on the edge and not by their own doing.

    It seems that YOU have never helped anyone but yourself and love to point out how brilliant you are in your fastidiousness. I wonder how many people have asked you for help and you laughed? You better pray there is a God that will let you BUY your way into heaven. Good luck with that.
    These are Americans. Some of them risked their lives to protect you and your money. Some of them have worked hard all their lives and paid all their bills as they promised.
    Please keep your "I'm so smart BS" to yourself.

    And I'm not signing anything "anonymously" either, you sissy little bit**.


  6. "No self-discipline, and equate having things, with “success.”

    You're right. My brother is like that-- he stays pretty well maxed out on his credit buying things that he can use to 'display' his status in life.

    So he will be sweating bullets over the economy.

    We, on the other hand, have gotten completely out of debt (except for the mortgage, which is modest), and have a pretty decent amount saved up against times like these, so we can pretty much ride out the storm.

    So, which scenario denotes "success"?

    I guess it depends on what the original objective was.

  7. I'll be able to buy up all kinds of property around here.

    1. You won't be buying mine jt, I don't care who you are or how much money you have.

  8. Yep. This virus will likely lead us to a global depression.
    Once we are able it will take time to start the economy. You don't just unlock the doors and reopen. You have to restaff, restock, etc. Most employees will have moved on.
    And that will be Trump's legacy. Well deserved as he's failed this country
    in warning and dealing and preparations for this virus.
    Democrats will likely control the presidency, Senate and House after Nov.

    1. You bumped your head really hard didn't you 10:11


  9. lmclain-- a bit of over-reaction from you. Very much out of character.

    I think 12:29 was making a point about people who 'live on the edge' (and there are PLENTY of them), rather than honest, hard-working people.

    A good example might be some people who live nearby in a rather junky trailer/house. They both have jobs, but when they get a bit ahead, they blow their money on toys and tattoos. Then when the trouble hits, they cry the blues.

    You have a good point about the responsible ones, but I don't think that was the point 12:29 was making.

  10. 10:11am, in case you have not been paying attention, Trump did not get us in the mess we are in, and he has not failed our country, but the Democrats on the other hand did everything they could to get us here. Trump 2020!

  11. Life ain't easy !!! Everything overpriced now & alot are not going to make
    it anyway !!!

    Houses & Cars & Rent & Mortgages & Food & Medical etc etc etc !!

    Bad jobs & low pay etc etc etc !! NOW VIRUS THREAT !!! etc etc etc

  12. Tuff for the banks !!! Get a Govt MODIFICATION !!! To save your home

  13. Imclain, I said most people, not all people. What I said are statistical facts. Relax.......

  14. Looking back and pointing fingers no longer helps....moving forward, obtaining guidance on the way ahead is more important now.

  15. PARTY 2020 !!! Everyone will be maxing out their credit !!!
    Before the world ends !!!

  16. Make the Govt PAY !!! Get all you can out of them while the frying pan is HOT !!!

    They tax you to Death do you Part , so get YOURS !!!!! LOL LOL LOL


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