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Saturday, April 04, 2020

Who is Larry Hogan? What to know about Maryland's governor

The spread of coronavirus across the nation has led to the rise of governors as thestate chief executives have been thrust into the forefront of responding to thepandemic.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has been one of the state leaders who took drastic action early on as COVID-19 cases rose in March, closing all non-essential businesses and schools in his state in the hope of saving "thousands of lives"

"If we don't do something to stop this spike in the curve, the fact is we will not have ICU beds and ventilators," Hogan told "Bill Hemmer Reports." You look at what happened in places like Italy and what is happening in New York. We don't want that to happen in each of our states."

Here are some things to know about the governor of the Mid-Atlantic state:

Hogan has said to 'follow the doctors and the scientists' to respond to coronavirus



  1. who gives a rats ass about a puff piece on a rino pos?

  2. He is also a Media Whore!

  3. He was not an early implementer! He presided over crowds coming from the DC, MD. Metro area to Ocean City to bar hop for St Patrick’s Day, rescinded his temporary closure of car dealerships, etc. Especially rural communities have suffered from the lack of leadership by him and other elected fools like Jake Day.

  4. In regards to the autocratic behavior that is being demonstrated by Hogan and other Governors , I am in agreement with the remarks made by Lincoln to the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Ill., in 1839 when he was 28 years old on the topic of “The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions”. It is uncanny that his speech contains descriptions of his forecast of what could happen to our institutions if men behaved the way they are doing this very day. I will conclude with the remarks he made in that speech which I agree with completely: “AS A NATION OF FREEDOM, WE MUST LIVE THROUGH TIME, OR DIE BY SUICIDE”. (Caps added by me.)

    1. 9:55- An awful lot of words there, makes no sense, but a lot of words, none the less. I guess you were trying to seem smart, but you've stated nothing but a quote by a famous person which makes no sense in the topic you are addressing, Governor Hogan. Are you saying Hogan should commit suicide? Nonsensical dribble.

  5. If they say to read "more", why don't they let us!!!

  6. He was raised on a Rino farm and he's a very big one.

  7. BOSS HOG !!! the Best Maryland has ever had !!!

  8. Father of Daisy Dukes !!!

  9. He was on Dukes of Hazard !!! LOL LOL Like that Hat Pic !!!

  10. He is no more a republican than Woopie Goldberg is!

  11. Hogan that dumbocrat piece of shit can't wait till he's gone

  12. Maryland Gov always sucked but he is the Best yet still - give him that !!!


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