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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Pelosi: State, Local Governments Funds Coming in Next Relief Bill

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday said that Congress will provide coronavirus funding for state and local governments in a forthcoming stimulus bill.

Pelosi, appearing on CNN’s State of the Union, responded to criticism from state and local leaders including New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo who called on such funding to be included in previous legislation, including the fourth COVID-19 relief bill signed on Friday.

“Just calm down,” she said. “We will have state and local and we will have it in a very significant way.”

She also encouraged state and local to continue being vocal about their need for federal aid.

“The governors are impatient. I’m a big fan of Gov. Cuomo, my own governor, Gavin Newsom, has been so spectacular, my mayor … State and local have done their jobs magnificently.

"They should be impatient, their impatience will help us get an even bigger number,” said Pelosi.

More here


  1. Sounds like another hostage situation is being planned.

    This is ALL about power-- their power.

  2. The hell with the states and cities . Its all the liberal blue states that are fiscally irresponsible that want the tax payers from the red states to bail out their exorbitant pension funds and welfare spending. Let them declare bankruptcy and start over again otherwise they wont learn from their liberalism !

  3. NO, WE need that $$$ > the workers / Real Americans / middle class

    WE Not Bailing OUT the damn state Govts !!!! Time to BAIL us out 2020

    Govt's should have endless $$$ & if they don't it is their own fault !!!!

    They can go Bankrupt then , just like WE have to do !!!!

  4. again Pelosi and the Democrats forcing more tax dollars from the middle / lower class to save the elite multi-millionaires funds. Hello SOCIALISM

  5. Where is all this money coming from. I suppose all the government needs to do is call the Treasury Department, tell them to lay a few million rolls of paper in the printing press and start rolling off Billion$ of dollars. Sounds simple to me.

    1. Except they call the Fed
      Only the privately owned for-profit Fed Bankers have the authority to print US Dollars.

  6. If you made the push to be a sanctuary city then you should have to sign a pledge to enforce the laws of the USA and if not you are on your own! Good luck NYC and CA.

  7. Not Billions....TRILLIONS. $9 TRILLION is the projection the WH stated earlier today - after all is said and done....

    to include future payroll taxes (i.e., CUTS).

    This is just the beginning of MANY years of pain.

  8. No way do we help un-american commie states run by ignorant commie morons..democrats..that includes MD TOO. They overspent on funding illegals. If they Legalize pot and get out of the way. Then you can let the money roll in.. but if you do it like MD does your screwed because the black markets still cheaper.

  9. not a dime should go to any sanctuary cities or states.another dumocrat ploy to get rich!

  10. Amen 1:46, we don't get any bailout and we work our butts off.
    They need to be fiscally responsible like the rest of us !

  11. Small businesses haven’t got their funding yet most going to the rich companies.

  12. She doesn't like to mention that California's Governor Newsom is also her nephew. Of course she is going to say he is "spectacular".

  13. 3:41pm, No damn wonder California is so messed up.

  14. If a state has declared it sanctuary or has cities or counties declared sanctuary for illegal aliens then not a friggin penny...copper or aluminum!!! Give then wooden nickels and let them eat cake!
    I do not want my federal tax dollars, past, present and future, paying them to help hide, cover and support border jumping illegals in any of those states!!!

  15. The end of the States' authority will arrive along with the bail out from the Fed.
    We will officially become a communist nation later in 2020.
    Many conspiracy theorists were absolutely correct about all of these events.
    How on earth did they know?

    That is the question?

  16. Seriously folks,. This is RED AND BLUE

  17. Lets have bigger Federal government like the path we are on .



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