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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Fact Check: Hospitals Get Paid More For Listing Patients As Having COVID-19 Even If They Show Few Symptoms

A Minnesota state senator, who also happens to be a doctor, has come forward to reveal how hospitals are getting more in funding if they list more patients as having COVID-19, even if the patients are more likely to have something else, such as pneumonia. The issue is the loose definitions of the terms “probable” and “presumed” and how those terms can be applied. This is less on the doctors themselves and more on the health care administrators.

Even the leftist media is confirming this is true, as USA Today reports:



  1. Exactly what I have been thinking all along. People dying and are counted as probable COVID-19 patients in the head count - all for money. Pennsylvania and Maryland States have come forward and stayed their head counts was wrong.

  2. Every body that has died since Feb listed as covid - 19. That is wrongful death lawsuits, since they have died from heart, cancer, diabetes, high blood etc. Just another Democrat Socialist way of scaring people into submission for control.

  3. Da ya think this is why we are now seeing "presumed patients" which are boosting the numbers fueling the hysteria????

  4. Many are hospitalized that really don't need to be and I truly believe ventilators are being way overused and are killing people. It's clear now this virus was circulating and infection people in NY way before it was originally thought to be and now the same with Wash DC. anyone can bet rest of the country also. It's clear many many people had it in Jan/Feb but didn't know what it was. They recovered. It was ONLY until people started being hospitalized that they started dying.

  5. I would be scared to death if I had to go to the hospital right now or take a relative there. Feel pretty sure
    I/we would not make it out of there even if going in for a broken hip/arm, etc and died. The hospital would
    list COVID-19 as cause of death....from a broken hip! I was told by a nurse on a PRMC FB page that it definitely is listed as the cause because it affects other organs that eventually shuts them down. So there you go...cause of death COVID.

  6. Well we know PRMC is going to be the new epicenter for the virus of the entire USA!

  7. It is an ingenious method for skewing the numbers.

  8. Bob Aswell ....RealistApril 28, 2020 at 5:54 PM

    Call PGH and ask them. Why do you think they're importing them from Delaware? Rotten Bastards that should be in Hell. Maybe God will even the score concerning their greed.

    1. All MD hospitals are regulated by the State. They are not in a normal capitalistic model . SMH. People - really?


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