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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Cotton Urges ‘Hard Look’ at Visas Granted to Chinese Nationals

Sunday, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said, based on the past, the Chinese government was likely still attempting to steal intellectual property from the United States, including a coronavirus vaccine.

“[T]he Chinese Communist Party has been stealing America’s intellectual property for decades, and they aren’t going to magically stop in the middle of a pandemic,” he said. “In almost every state in the union, there are active cases against Chinese nationals. In Arkansas, for instance, they are accused of having stolen proprietary genomes of our farmers in East Arkansas. But in the middle of a pandemic, what’s the most valuable intellectual property in the world? It’s the research that our great laboratories and life science companies are doing on prophylactic drugs, therapeutic drugs, and ultimately a vaccine. So I have little doubt that the Chinese intelligence services are actively trying to steal America’s intellectual property as it relates to the virus that they unleashed on the world, because, of course, they want to be the country that claims credit for finding those drugs or finding a vaccine, and then use it as leverage against the rest of the world.”

Cotton told FNC’s Maria Bartiromo a “very hard look” should be taken at Chinese Nationals coming to the United States to study in specific fields.

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  1. We are betrayed by one greedy bastard after another.

  2. Through the EB5 program they’ll continue to be able to buy their way in. Very dangerous!

  3. There should be no visas from China or that region until, as Hogan put it, a vaccine cure is produced.

  4. Hogan for GITMO.

  5. NO visas for chinese nationals. Period!


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