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Sunday, April 19, 2020

NO ONE Is Policing Businesses On The Eastern Shore

Skipjack Seafood on East Main Street across from East Salisbury School. No Social Distancing being practiced.


  1. Good hope they stay open to hell with Hollywood hogan and how he has destroyed the economy

  2. There needs to be a special Police force to call that you can turn in these people and neighbors. They can then come and grab them and put them in a detention camp away from all of us so when they get sick we won't.

    1. Oh like Nazi Germany, you people are sh@t simple.

    2. Hello this is the owner of Skip Jack seafood and I just want ensure everyone that my staff and I take Social Distancing Very seriously and what this video doesn't show is that steps we have taken to promote social distancing

      1.We only allow 6 people in our store at a time separated by blue 6ft tape at all times.

      2. The excess customers that are waiting their turn outside to enter are separated by blue lines marked on our pavement.

      3.Once our customers have paid their bill we send them back outside to their vehicle and bring the food to their car (curbside delivery).
      We have also contacted our local health department to ensure we are doing everything in accordance to Governors orders and that we are doing our part to keep our town, our state, and our loyal patrons safe during this pandemic.

  3. Then EBT dollars gotta be spent yo

    1. Skipjack seafood does Not accept EBT at this time

  4. WTH!! Wear are Jake Day's butties at da Far Deparmint who be enforcin da new far code by Jakey boi? Wear dat far marshil Airick Kraymir? U kno da fat guy wif blown out tennie pumps on his feets. da fat slob.

  5. That place looks like it was jammed pack with Covid-19.

    1. Eventually everyone will be exposed to this virus, it's up to your own immune system as to how your body handles it.

  6. What happened to Jake Day's big proclamation telling businesses they need to comply or else?

  7. when i die i want to have just finished the last jumbo crab

  8. Oh come on. Hogan hasn't destroyed anything. On behalf of governors he submitted a governors request to Congress of an additional $500B just to keep things running state to state.

    Plus the President issued a national major disaster for all 50 states over the weekend (Wyoming was the last state).

    Now with several meat processing plants (Smithfield) having employees with the virus - things will get worse before they get better.

    Staying home and not getting together in masses will only make things better.

  9. Salisbury is not taking this seriously. All the cars out, no masks on. It is the complete "it won't happen to me" mentality.

  10. LOWES had way tooooo many last week Far more than normal !!!!

  11. Everybody needs to carry a pool noodle as a distancing tool.

  12. There are still non essential businesses operating. Just look for the cars in front of their business front. Out of state license plates too!

  13. Fantastic! Hungry for some crabs! I am on my way.

  14. Hello this is the owner of Skip Jack seafood and I just want ensure everyone that my staff and I take Social Distancing Very seriously and what this video doesn't show is that steps we have taken to promote social distancing

    1.We only allow 6 people in our store at a time separated by blue 6ft tape at all times.

    2. The excess customers that are waiting their turn outside to enter are separated by blue lines marked on our pavement.

    3.Once our customers have paid their bill we send them back outside to their vehicle and bring the food to their car (curbside delivery).
    We have also contacted our local health department to ensure we are doing everything in accordance to Governors orders and that we are doing our part to keep our town, our state, and our loyal patrons safe during this pandemic.

  15. Did you see that stupid parade on Sunday with police caters and fire engines driving through different neighborhoods?
    Fake Jay was riding in the lead car. Obviously, not practicing social distancing.

  16. Don't worry, Bill Gates is going to work with government to see that you get the vaccination and implant you with a chip. That way the government can track you without using your phone and can monitor which people who have it and which people who don't. What a great idea, more dependence on the government to take care of us!

  17. All I can see is the EBT crowd spending their food stamps on expensive seafood.

  18. The Yo's must've had some coin left on their EBT cards.

  19. look at the sheep.

  20. Anonymous said...
    WTH!! Wear are Jake Day's butties at da Far Deparmint who be enforcin da new far code by Jakey boi? Wear dat far marshil Airick Kraymir? U kno da fat guy wif blown out tennie pumps on his feets. da fat slob.

    April 13, 2020 at 10:40 AM

    What he said 👆👆 😂🔥😂

  21. Anonymous said...
    There are still non essential businesses operating. Just look for the cars in front of their business front. Out of state license plates too!

    April 13, 2020 at 11:06 AM

    Hogan doesn't give a rat's ass about out of state idiots coming to Maryland and infecting us with their viruses? Something tells me this is exactly wht Hogan is trying to do.

  22. 10:35 I hope that was sarcasm. If not, you are a communist.

  23. Unknown said...
    Hello this is the owner of Skip Jack seafood and I just want ensure everyone that my staff and I take Social Distancing Very seriously and what this video doesn't show is that steps we have taken to promote social distancing

    1.We only allow 6 people in our store at a time separated by blue 6ft tape at all times.

    2. The excess customers that are waiting their turn outside to enter are separated by blue lines marked on our pavement.

    3.Once our customers have paid their bill we send them back outside to their vehicle and bring the food to their car (curbside delivery).
    We have also contacted our local health department to ensure we are doing everything in accordance to Governors orders and that we are doing our part to keep our town, our state, and our loyal patrons safe during this pandemic.

    April 13, 2020 at 12:46 PM

    Obviously you need a better pair of glasses because those clowns out front are not 6 feet apart. Look again. By the way, I was there and you are full of sh!t. I was the one that paid with a Ravens debit card and wearing a blue mask. Try again, dude.

  24. Unknown said...
    Hello this is the owner of Skip Jack seafood and I just want ensure everyone that my staff and I take Social Distancing Very seriously and what this video doesn't show is that steps we have taken to promote social distancing

    1.We only allow 6 people in our store at a time separated by blue 6ft tape at all times.

    2. The excess customers that are waiting their turn outside to enter are separated by blue lines marked on our pavement.

    3.Once our customers have paid their bill we send them back outside to their vehicle and bring the food to their car (curbside delivery).
    We have also contacted our local health department to ensure we are doing everything in accordance to Governors orders and that we are doing our part to keep our town, our state, and our loyal patrons safe during this pandemic.

    April 13, 2020 at 12:46 PM

    If you are the owner then maybe you can enlighten us on how many "orders" were paid for using an EBT card>

    1. Skipjack seafood doesn't accept EBT at this time

    2. They pay with EBT then pay $1.00 cash to have the items cooked/steamed.

  25. Before anyone claims this is an essential business can you please explain how seafood is an essential business?

    To me, this is like "cosmetic surgery" in the medical world where insurance doesn't pay for cosmetic surgery. With that said, Welfare/EBT cards should not pay for expensive luxury items like seafood!

    1. Skipjack seafood doesn't accept EBT at this time

  26. Anonymous said...
    There are still non essential businesses operating. Just look for the cars in front of their business front. Out of state license plates too!

    April 13, 2020 at 11:06 AM

    Yep, but if it was me, I would get arrested.

  27. They need to be rounded up and sent to the Civic Center for 15 days!

  28. Mr. Skipjack Owner, you might want to check 0:27 on the video before you start running your mouth. Those customers were back to back with no, I mean absolutely NO SOCIAL Distancing! Quit lying on this blog!

  29. Anonymous said...
    They need to be rounded up and sent to the Civic Center for 15 days!

    April 13, 2020 at 3:10 PM

    I was thinking the same exact thing.

  30. This is from their Facebook page.

    Jenna Lynn Crowson doesn't recommend Skipjack's Seafood.
    December 23, 2019 ·

    I called for crab prices and they were so rude, I have been calling all of the seafood places around Salisbury and this place was by far the rudest. They even hung up on me. I wouldn't recommend them to my worst enemy. Thanks for the holiday spirit, I will never call this place again!!! (and their prices are the highest in town!!!)

  31. Unknown said...
    Skipjack seafood does Not accept EBT at this time

    April 13, 2020 at 2:48 PM

    That's funny?? You took mines Saturday night.

  32. Joe, apparently the same thing with the crowds happened on April 4th. Just look at this post. They posted that they were wondering who in the crowd has "Rona." It's in black and white on their FB page so the crowding is obviously a problem.


    Matthew Leonard II was looking for crabs at Skipjack's Seafood.
    April 4 at 7:21 PM · Salisbury, MD ·

    Sitting here looking at the crowd of people talking outside, thinking to myself, “I wonder which person has the Rona”

  33. Joe, apparently the same thing with the crowds happened on April 4th. Just look at this post. They posted that they were wondering who in the crowd has "Rona." It's in black and white on their FB page so the crowding is obviously a problem.


    Matthew Leonard II was looking for crabs at Skipjack's Seafood.
    April 4 at 7:21 PM · Salisbury, MD ·

    Sitting here looking at the crowd of people talking outside, thinking to myself, “I wonder which person has the Rona”

    Skipjack's Seafood
    Seafood Restaurant · Salisbury, MD

    TommyandKim Conoway-Wladkowski said... Tommy said today he went to Bjs to get gas and propane.. he said they are definitely not following the 6 feet and they didn’t limit the amount of people.. he said I walked in and Walked out.. he said you didn’t need laundry detergent with that coupon today 🤣

    Matthew Leonard II Said... TommyandKim Conoway-Wladkowski I wouldn’t even get out my car until the crowd dispersed 😂

    Phyllis Simms Said... Exactly.

    Tonique Clark

    Brandi Taylor said... I was there earlier😂

    Matthew Leonard II Brandi Taylor I could’ve sent by you 🙄

    Brandi Taylor said... I was in and out too
    Hide or report this

    Ramesha Briddell-Brown said... Been passing by there everyday this week shaking my head and one day a cop was right at the light

    Matthew Leonard II said... Ramesha Briddell-Brown everyone there was talking like nothing is going on

    Ramesha Briddell-Brown said... 🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾 I'll wait for my crabs lol I've been wondering do they have any protocols in place for all the heavy traffic? Did u see any signs on the door or anything ?

    Matthew Leonard II said... Ramesha Briddell-Brown yeah 6 at a time that’s why the crowds outside but I just sat in my car until there were only people inside 😂😂

    Ramesha Briddell-Brown said... Matthew Leonard II 😂😂 i don't blame u....i guess they trying then lol

  34. This is the type of clientele that shops at Skipjacks Seafood on Old Ocean City Road. Pi$$ing in the parking lot of Skipjacks and we are worried about catching the Corona Virus?? Below is a link to the picture and comments on Skipjacks Facebook page. This post has been up on Skipjacks FB page since March 27th. This is absolutely disgusting!! Click on the link to see for yourself!


    Dior Conway posted on Skipjacks FB page.
    March 27 ·

    "Darell Wongus come get ur man he piss anywhere 🤷‍♂️🤣🤣🤣" — at Skipjack's Seafood.



    Darell Wongus said... That nigga wild bro

    Dior Conway said... Darell Wongus ayo 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Darell Wongus said... Dior Conway 🤣🤣

    Dior Conway said... Darell Wongus sure I did 🤣🤣😂

    Darell Wongus said... Dior Conway that's that nigga line

    Dior Conway said... Darell Wongus sure it is

    Dior Conway said... Darell Wongus he my guy tho 🤷‍♂️

    Darell Wongus said... Dior Conway facts

    Mary Giles said... Don’t get no chip in u just because you had to pull yo pee pee out in public day light 🤦🏽‍♀️

    Dior Conway said... Mary Giles not me

  35. That's because they are mostly black with ebt cards and don't give a fu*k about the law. There I said it!!

  36. That's ALL that extra EBT money they just received

  37. Hey Mr. Albero,

    I just found this gem online. The owner of Skipjacks Seafood is still on probation for nearly killing his wife with a shotgun! So obviously, breaking the law doesn't mean anything to him. You think the Salisbury Police Department would be right on top of this and follow this clown closely before he shoots at someone else. Maybe someone could pass this on to his probation officer.


    Shop owner gets a year in jail
    Published 2:41 p.m. ET July 17, 2015

    The owner of Skipjack’s Seafood was sentenced to a year in jail Thursday after being convicted of reckless endangerment.

    John Crockett, 46, of Salisbury was charged following a Dec. 14 incident in which police said he shot at his wife at the business, on Old Ocean City Road in Salisbury.

    On Thursday in Wicomico County Circuit Court, he entered an Alford plea to reckless endangerment, court records show. With an Alford plea, a defendant doesn’t admit guilt but concedes there could be enough evidence for a conviction.

    The other charges against him, including attempted murder, were dismissed.

    He also has four years hanging over his head as a suspended sentence, and he’ll be on supervised probation for five years, court records state. His sentence begins at 5 p.m. Friday, July 24, and the court would be OK with work release, according to court records.

    Pamela Crockett told police she had tried to get a hold of her husband, John Crockett, by phone, and when she wasn’t able to, she went to Skipjack’s Seafood to get money for Christmas shopping, charging documents state.

    She found another woman upstairs in a bedroom and office area, and the Crocketts got into a verbal argument, charging documents state.

    Pamela Crockett began to leave after John Crockett told her to, and he then grabbed a shotgun and discharged it, according to charging documents. She was not struck, police said.

    vjunkin@dmg.gannett . com

  38. Be careful everyone, that's a winner running that $hithole!

    Domestic Violence

    John E. Crockett

    Case Information
    Court System: District Court For Wicomico County - Family
    Location: Wicomico
    Case Number: 0203SP007062014

    Case Type: Domestic Violence
    Filing Date: 12/14/2014

    Involved Parties Information
    DOB: 06/16/1969
    Address: 6028 WILLIAMSBURG PKWY (HOME)
    City: SALISBURY State: MD Zip Code: 21801

    Nickname: CROCKETT, JOHN E

  39. This guy has a rap sheet 4 pages long and gets off on everything. This guy doesn't learn his lesson and the courts keep letting him off.

    He tried to murder someone you dumb POS judge!! Lock him up for a long time, dammit!

  40. Good ole boy own it?

  41. Unknown said...
    Skipjack seafood doesn't accept EBT at this time

    April 13, 2020 at 7:37 PM

    You accepted mine on Saturday, Mr. John Eric Crockett. Quit your damn lying, you criminal thug!

  42. Unknown said...
    Hello this is the owner of Skip Jack seafood and I just want ensure everyone that my staff and I take Social Distancing Very seriously and what this video doesn't show is that steps we have taken to promote social distancing

    1.We only allow 6 people in our store at a time separated by blue 6ft tape at all times.

    2. The excess customers that are waiting their turn outside to enter are separated by blue lines marked on our pavement.

    3.Once our customers have paid their bill we send them back outside to their vehicle and bring the food to their car (curbside delivery).
    We have also contacted our local health department to ensure we are doing everything in accordance to Governors orders and that we are doing our part to keep our town, our state, and our loyal patrons safe during this pandemic.

    April 13, 2020 at 3:06 PM

    The same owner that had another woman upstairs in a bedroom?

    The same owner that shot and tried to murder your wife?

    Tell us again what you are doing legally and see if we believe you!

  43. Hey Jake Day and Fire Marshal Bill... Did you know that John Eric Crockett is illegally running an apartment in that $hithole upstairs? Has it been inspected and approved like the Hell that you put me through?

  44. The owner of Skipjack's Seafood
    Look at all these attempted murder charges. Leave it up to our Lame Ass Wicomico County judges to let him off easy. Why does a business owner get a "Public Defender?"

    District Court of Maryland

    Defendant Information
    Race: Asian Sex: Male Height: 5'10"Weight: 185
    Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue
    DOB: 05/16/1969
    Address: 1204 OLD OCEAN CITY RD
    City: SALISBURY State: MD Zip Code: 21804

    Attorney(s) for the Defendant
    Name: Public Defender, Wicomico County

    Officer - Arresting/Complainant
    Name: STUART, JOHN
    Address: 699 W. SALISBURY PKWY.
    City: SALISBURY State: MD Zip Code: 21801

    Charge and Disposition Information

    Charge Description: ATT 1ST DEG. MURDER Charge Class: Felony Circuit Court
    Probable Cause: YES
    Offense Date From: 12/14/2014To:
    Agency Name: SALISBURY CITY POLICE Officer ID: 1185

    Charge Description: ATT 2ND DEG. MURDER Charge Class: Felony Circuit Court
    Probable Cause: YES
    Offense Date From: 12/14/2014 To:
    Agency Name: SALISBURY CITY POLICE Officer ID:1185

    Charge Description: ASSAULT-FIRST DEGREE Charge Class: Felony Circuit Court
    Probable Cause: YES
    Offense Date From: 12/14/2014 To:
    Agency Name: SALISBURY CITY POLICE Officer ID:1185

    Charge Description: ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE Charge Class: Misdemeanor
    Probable Cause: YES
    Offense Date From: 12/14/2014 To:
    Agency Name: SALISBURY CITY POLICE Officer ID:1185

    Charge Description: RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT Charge Class: Misdemeanor
    Probable Cause: YES
    Offense Date From: 12/14/2014 To:
    Agency Name: SALISBURY CITY POLICE Officer ID:1185

  45. Did John E. Crockett ever get his drivers license back yet because he is still driving?

  46. Maryland Judiciary Case Search Results Judiciary Logo

    Last Name: CROCKETT First Name: JOHN Middle Name: E County Name: WORCESTER COUNTY

    13 items found, displaying all items.

    FX23083 Crockett, John Eric 05/1969 Defendant Snow Hill District Court TR Closed 04/13/2010
    0MN0SSD Crockett, John Eric 05/1969 Defendant Snow Hill District Court TR Closed 12/07/2018
    0MP0SSD Crockett, John Eric 05/1969 Defendant Snow Hill District Court TR Closed 12/07/2018
    0MQ0SSD Crockett, John Eric 05/1969 Defendant Snow Hill District Court TR Closed 12/07/2018
    0MR0SSD Crockett, John Eric 05/1969 Defendant Snow Hill District Court TR Closed 12/07/2018
    0MS0SSD Crockett, John Eric 05/1969 Defendant Snow Hill District Court TR Closed 12/07/2018
    0MT0SSD Crockett, John Eric 05/1969 Defendant Snow Hill District Court TR Closed 12/07/2018
    0MV0SSD Crockett, John Eric 05/1969 Defendant Snow Hill District Court TR Closed 12/07/2018
    0MW0SSD Crockett, John Eric 05/1969 Defendant Snow Hill District Court TR Closed 12/07/2018
    0ZB0RKK Crockett, John Eric 05/1969 Defendant Snow Hill District Court TR Closed 03/12/2018
    1CJ0R9G Crockett, John Eric 05/1969 Defendant Snow Hill District Court TR Closed 01/16/2019
    1CK0R9G Crockett, John Eric 05/1969 Defendant Snow Hill District Court TR Closed 01/16/2019
    1S80RKK Crockett, John Eric 05/1969 Defendant Snow Hill District Court TR Closed 10/02/2018

  47. I'm looking at some reviews of this $hithole online. Not a good review and the Reviewer said that he thinks Mr. Crockett is prejudiced.

    Russell B.
    Salisbury, MD

    terrible place!! Bought salmon had them fillet, small bones everywhere, didn't know that was possible!! Showed me fish went back and fillet!! I think they pulled the old bait and switch on me!! Went back again told by the owner Crockett they would have oysters and delivery by 2:30 went back at 4:30 no oysters so they said!! Someone lied to me!! I guess owner was upstairs pre occupied!! I truly believe they're prejudice at Skipjack's

  48. Leora Tucker

    January 2020
    The fish smelled up my refrigerator and entire house. I could not eat it. Seemed like a very busy and profitable company.

  49. I was in Salisbury visiting my daughter and decided to pick up a dozen of crabs from Skip Jacks on my way out of town. Got to the place and there were no other customers. The young man stood there and never asked me what I wanted. There was another man in there, not sure if he was the owner. I mentioned that the last time I was there crabs were not fresh. He got really rude. Usually the crabs are good. I could not get over the way the man was speaking to me. I hate to bring up the race card, but it appears that they treat black customers with less respect than their white customers. Come on Skip Jack -- you need to stop selling day old crabs and treating people badly.


  50. Got catfish nuggets tonight. They cooked it an it is like eating plastic.. I have never had to chew a piece of fish this long. No taste to it at all.. the last time I got catfish nuggets from they was the best I ever had.. this time not that great...


  51. Poor customer service and had to wait a long time for food,crabcakes were nice and big but didn't have any flavor to them taste like plain crabmeat


  52. The crabs that I bought today were cold and I highly doubt that they were fresh. I used to sing their praises as being one of the best but now it's second guessing. Skipjack's may be heading towards inconsistency in the quality of their crabs. I suggest that when you get your crabs from them, check to make sure the they're steaming hot and not reheated.


  53. I bought a half bushel of large females, for a gathering. We start eating the crabs and I was so embarrassed. My guest ate two crabs and didn't want anymore, I said what's wrong why aren't you eating. The answer was we ate some. So I remembered a long time ago I bought crabs from this place and they weren't what we ordered. I opened one and immediately realized why they weren't eating crabs. They were nasty. Very nice size but nasty. Recooked, tasted like they were bad, probably dead before they were cooked. I will be calling the owner tomorrow for a refund. And if he doesn't talk right I'm contacting the health department. No more cooked crabs for me from there. Actually I believe it's who you are that depends on what you are given.

  54. Over crowded and slow. I waited 1 hour for a few dozen crabs. Then the order was messed up when i got it smh. They need to come up with a better system. There was ppl who came in after me ordering the same thing i had getting their stuff before me.

  55. terrible place!! Bought salmon had them fillet, small bones everywhere, didn't know that was possible!! Showed me fish went back and fillet!! I think they pulled the old bait and switch on me!! Went back again told by the owner Crockett they would have oysters and delivery by 2:30 went back at 4:30 no oysters so they said!! Someone lied to me!! I guess owner was upstairs pre occupied!! I truly believe they're prejudice at Skipjack's

  56. On the way to PRMC for cancer treatments I noticed the Acme parking lot was full and gift shops were open and nail salon as well. I don't get out much due to Cancer but when I must I make a point of noticing the places that are open for no emergency reason.

  57. Traveling and me & my family we're looking for a place to eat fish. Didn't expected to be ripped off by dishonesty. We were gave one price during ordering, but gave another when it was time to pay. The white guy was very rude. Highly disappointed.

  58. When John is not there they are slow. They act like it's a family reunion. Call your order ahead get there never ready. When John is there they act so different. Wish he was there more. Went there on August 17 2018 7:00 pm a different time pregnant lady came from back eating. Asked about frying and she said she wasn't. Whatever those crumbs were that fell from her face looked like it was fried

  59. Owner of Skipjack's Seafood Accused of Shooting at Wife
    Posted: Dec 15, 2014 1:19 PM EST
    Updated: Dec 15, 2014 1:54 PM EST

    John Crockett

    SALISBURY, Md. – Police say the owner of Skipjack's Seafood in Salisbury is facing attempted murder and related charges following accusations that he fired a shotgun at his wife Sunday morning.

    Salisbury police said that just before noon, officers responded to Skipjack's, located at 1204 Old Ocean City Road, for a report of a domestic dispute involving a firearm.

    According to police, the victim told officers her husband, 45-year-old John Eric Crockett of Salisbury, who owns Skipjack's, had fired a single shot at her but missed.

    The victim said she had gone to the business hoping to meet with Crockett, and they got into an argument. When she left the room, Crockett allegedly retrieved a shotgun and fired it, investigators said.

    Police said Crockett's wife was not struck and was able to leave the room uninjured. Upon leaving the store, the victim contacted police. There were no injuries reported during the incident. Crockett was taken into custody on the scene.

    Crockett was charged with attempted first-and attempted second-degree murder, first- and second-degree assault and reckless endangerment. He was then turned over to the custody of Wicomico Central Booking.

  60. Unknown said...
    Skipjack seafood doesn't accept EBT at this time

    April 13, 2020 at 7:37 PM

    Hey Mr. John Eric Crockett, Owner of Skipjacks,

    How do you explain this??

    Salisbury, Maryland WIC Approved Grocers and Pharmacies


    WIC Store Locations in Salisbury, Maryland
    We list the locations where you can use your WIC or EBT card to purchase items under the WIC program. See our list below. We list in order of name alphabetically.

    1204 Old Ocean City Rd
    Salisbury, MD - 21804
    See On Map


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