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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Governor Hogan Will Not Release Reopening Maryland Till The End Of Next Week

While we were all on the edge of our seats to see what Hogan's immediate plans for reopening Maryland, he stated he will do so later next week. 

I will update this post when he gets to the school announcement.

UPDATE: Schools closed through May, 15th.

Publishers Notes: There's no way schools will reopen this year. Hogan would be a total nut case to allow the spread of this virus through the school system without vaccinations and or cures from this deadly virus. Plus, every single school will have to be disinfected and neutralized just for starters. They simply keep dragging out the inevitable.  


  1. Well, I was not on the edge of my seat because I know what Hogan will not do. You are going to be lucky if he opens things up any time before July.

  2. I agree with the publisher note, at this point with so little of the school year left it makes no sense to reopen the schools. Use this time and money saved on electric Bill's to do maintenance and a thorough cleaning of the schools for opening in the fall.

    1. I never read about kids getting the 19

    2. 6:35 really? It is everywhere on sites, blogspots, news articles, different media outlets. Fox, CBS, BBC, Sky News, China Insider...literally everywhere.

  3. He is waiting to see what other Governors (Democrats) are planning to do. According to President Trump Governors can make their own decision but needed to follow certain guidelines.

    1. Yet Trump hashtags in favor of the people protesting they want to get back to work. So no pressure their! He has done many good things and some things makes me question him.

  4. Why not close schools for the rest of the year???? I think that just adds extra anxiety for teachers, parents and students. We all know the schools are not going to re-open!! I think Hogan is failing on that - announce them close but continue with online learning until the end of the regular school term. Virginia has done it and Governor Carey alluded to it last night.

    1. There is some thought that if you close schools now, the kids won't want to do the work. If they think they are coming back, they may be more willing to complete their work.

  5. Screw you Larry I’m going open up this weekend

    1. That's awesome man I think a lot of folks are doing this

    2. Opening up as sharing your feelings?

  6. I do not believe there is any thought at all regarding reopening MD schools. I see a 'lost' season in Ocean City and just a terrible impact on this area. I really do hope I am wrong.


    1. Their goes all the sales from wooden crafts at the Sun Festival and over absorbent parking prices as well as the gouging on food. Well crap.

  7. WCBOE already did disinfection the week after we closed. Such a waste of money.

  8. 3:16, That's complete BS. You have NO CLUE what it takes to professionally disinfect and entire school. What are you, the custodian???

  9. They are Idiots !!! NO damn school before Sept 2020 & that is a Long shot !!

    Boss Hog knows better !!! Trump will have to babysit the Governors !!!!

  10. With the local schools being overcrowded and extremely violent I always wondered why distance learning wasn’t offered ??? Since my kid has been home his gpa has gone through the roof without the negative students being a distraction , the laid back home learning style suits him much better than the standard desk in a classroom

    1. Um...there is no GPA system in place for distance learning. Everything is pass/fail. You can be a moron and as long as you 'try'you pass. Try again.

  11. I don’t think they plan to reopen schools. They just can’t decide when to end the school year.

    1. Only Private Schools to openApril 17, 2020 at 7:39 PM

      Heck, it's only GANGSTAS in public school anyway

      kids cannot learn

  12. 325. The virus only lasts worst case 72 hours on a surface. Facts seem to be a silly thing here!!

  13. Doesn't the virus denature and become non-infectious after a period of time? Several days in worst case lab studies? So if the school is closed and nobody is in there for a period of time,the school disinfects itself as far as Covid-19 is concerned.

  14. I was saying this a month ago and everyone jumped all over me like I was a nut. Close all school and require all students to repeat the previous school year. It’s no big deal. Allow high school seniors to graduate and go on to their accepted colleges, but all remaining students will need to repeat the previous school year.

    1. I said the same thing. I can say with all my heart,my kids are not learning squat with this online stuff. They are creating an all in one type of curriculum, and there are lots of bored kids out there. The teachers are not creating any lesson plans, only a handful of coaches are. They are doing the best the can, but come on. Close it down, meaning no online.

    2. Why would you repeat a whole year when students only missed two 1/2 months? Which the last two weeks kids do nothing anyway. There is plenty of free things to learn online. I'm pretty sure all kids will be just fine.

    3. Thats insane .. my son was in his last week of the 3rd term when his school closed... make him
      Repeat another year of the 3 terms he completed in school? Ridiculous!

    4. 4:03- Insanely stupid, not to mention unfair. So, you expect them to be fine repeating the 6 to 7 months they already put in? No wonder people "jumped all over you." Your opinion is ridiculously stupid.

    5. @ 8:37 it is their opinion and they are allowed to Express it. You find it stupid, others may not. But you had to get your opinion in.

  15. VA and DC school systems are closed until Fall - MD will fall in line.

    1. As well they should. But, lets get those beaches opened up they say, and get back out there and make us some money.

    2. The issue is 6-8 months away from any school, educational environment is an eternity for kids. Expecting them to simply “ pick up” from where they ended 6-8 months ago is unrealistic.

  16. Hogan needs to follow the leadership of Gov. Kristi Noems and Gov. Greg Abbott, both of whom have their states now fully open. At least he could open every county east of the Chesapeake. This poor fellow is beginning to lose what little confidence that I did have in him.

    By the way Governor, I am still waiting to be provided the mask that you want (demand) that I wear.

    1. Where do you get your information on Mr. Abbott?
      He announced this week that schools would not reopen until August.
      The only thing he opened were the state parks.
      He did not open any restaurants or non essential businesses.
      He formed a committee to look into what the future will be for businesses.
      So nothing is fully open in Texas. You have a poor source it seems.

    2. you are so sorely ignorant

    3. The homemade mask is just to make you feel better. The fibers will not stop a mist particle. It is something that gives the wearer a false hope. I guarantee you the higher ups will have the nice masks on.

  17. When the vaccine comes out most people are not going to take it anyway. We all are waking up to big Pharma and their agenda.

  18. 3:14 it cannot and should not happen. It will be suicide for Ocean City.

  19. Has anyone considered the possibility we are being lied to about the virus?
    It may be regular flu?
    The government and Fed may be using the event to rearrange the financial instruments more to their liking.

    When did it become unpatriotic to question the government?

    1. Excuse me sir/madam, clearly you cross the line of patriotism when you actually question or hold accountable GOP political figures, atleast according to this crowd. Been that way for decades.

    2. Why dont you ask someone who has the flu and has had covid-19 if they are the same. I know for a fact they will tell you no they are not the same...not even close. Nothing wrong with questioning the government but to think it's the same as the flu really? Wouldn't wish it on anyone but at the same time there are many that will only learn the seriousness of it when they or a loved one gets it.

    3. @7:28 that is the sad truth. It isn't real until it happens to Me. That is a sad mentality.

  20. Larry can't do anything about this till next week because on Saturday he is on Me-TV with the other stooges for two hours.

  21. Rogue Hogan is waiting for the Democrat Governors to tell him what to do. You can tell that, since he is not enforcing his executive order to stay at home by allowing all these from other states coming into MD and MD beaches from their permanent residence in the high contaminated states. Hogan tells us to stay home and OC states they are closed. WHAT HYPOCRITS.

    1. Lowes was as busy as any Christmas shopping day. The parking lot was absolutely packed!

  22. My kids isnt going regardless what the plans are for the rest of this year.

    1. "Aren't or are not", or kid as in singular would have made that correct. You might want your kid(s) still to go with a mask. All joking aside, I would not want my kid going back either. I would think any loving parent would feel the same.

  23. The Holly Center is hiding the coronavirus impact on the facility , it was reported by a worker that has the virus , just hide the fact . Very dangerous with these very sick people.

    1. Chinese propaganda

    2. How are they dangerous and sick people? Have you ever been there? We would pick up a kid every weekend and take them out for ice cream. We knew most of the people there. You know nothing.

    3. 8:42 I think you missed the point of what they are saying. They are not criticizing the people that live there, only their safety. They just worded it differently.

  24. The kids seem to be learning more at home than in school

  25. Joe you are wrong all the schools had a cleaning crew go through after they were closed.

  26. I completely understand and agree that schools should not reopen, however I hate it for our seniors who are missing out on proms and graduations. Again, not saying that either of those events are possible, just that I feel for them.

  27. 14 days from when our numbers show decline! What’s the issue? I mean we know they are not reporting out of state so wait for numbers to decline and do your countdown

  28. 5:08 - Speak when you know what the hell you are talking about!

  29. I thought they close the school in the first place to clean and disinfect them. Did that not happen ?

  30. Joe, who is censoring comment inputs? I put one in asking for more information and it was never put up. Not like you.

    1. I had a comment like that the other day that never got posted as well. I was thinking the same thing.

  31. He’s stringing kids along to hopefully keep them engaged in the online learning as long as he can. If he announces it now it’s summer for students.

  32. Parents are going to have to be parents and teachers till at least 2021 or later.

  33. It always amazed me that schools had to be open for a set number of days - no matter what. Even if you went to school to sit in an uncontrolled study hall for hours just to meet a mandate. School is over - grade according to last attendance achievements - NO automatic A's. Concentrate on next Semester and safety of kids returning to school in the Fall or a Plan B.

  34. so tired of all you freaking chickin littles out there. stfu, man up and get on with life, people die from all kinds of bs! mostly cause of their own stupidity! I want my life back!
    and I'm done listening to all you fools!
    live on your knnees like a slave or stand up!

    1. Drink some beer and shoot some deer! You sound like a mans man. Nobody mess with you. With all those exclamation marks I knew you were serious! All your condondem of the reader's even exemplified it. Lol

  35. Joe,
    3:16 may be a custodian and simply have stated what they have been involved with and told by Administration.
    What they meant was that the WCBOE had their Operations staff start cleaning and disinfecting the schools right after the shut down was started.
    And yes they do this in-house with cleaning and chlorine based disinfectant. This is considered adequate by the Board.
    All schools were not completed when WCPS employees were directed to stay home and the cleanings stopped.
    Since then though contractors have been allowed to work inside the schools etc.
    3:16 was stating that those cleanings performed in the first two weeks (regardless of quality) may have been for nothing.

    1. They are not “custodians”. They are “Environmental Specialists”. Please recognize their status.

  36. Every job is essential Governor Hogan get your boot off our necks !

  37. Sunlight kills the virus so wouldn’t going to the beach be recommended???

  38. Hogan is following the free money, it has nothing to do with having the best leadership plan. He will carefully say he is looking at all of the medical, and advice from science, not the truth. When the Fed $$ stops, that is the only metric he will use to open Maryland. PS - Or when beach season really begins on July 4th weekend.

  39. With this whole situation, I would like to ask that everyone take a moment and think about how their personal actions could impact others. I personally cannot have a caviler attitude about this as I have children, but I also have a responsibility to my neighbors and community. Please take a moment to think about this.

    1. 9:58
      If you feel unsafe, stay home.

      I feel safe, so I will venture outside.
      I will even congregate with others who feel safe. Some of us might even engage in sexual activity in the privacy of our space.

      To each his / her own!
      Enjoy freedom

    2. 9:58 - that is exactly the mentality that causes trouble. Grow up

  40. I'm a teacher, and there is no way I'm going back to school this year. I have asthma and will not take the chance. Hopefully, things will be better in the fall. I miss my students, and while I would take a bullet for any one of them, I'm not going to throw myself at a virus that they could still catch anyway. We have older teachers, staff, maintenance people, custodians and bus drivers who are all very vulnerable. Online learning is actually going well so far, keep it going!

  41. Every things should remain online for Public Schools





  42. 4:43 - who exactly is the online going well for? What data do you have to support that? Let me guess - your superiors have told you so.

    Well, kiddo, let me tell you something. The mishmosh of online efforts are nothing but a collection of free things slapped together by people that have never had to personally handel an emergency. The result is as would be expected - worthless.

    Nobody wants to get sick. Nobody wants to die. Eventually you will go back to work like everyone else will.

    Regarding your melodrmatic "I'll take a bullet for them" statement - oh, please. If this economy doesn't get moving, and get moving soon, your salary that you are enjoying right now will evaporate. Imagine what happens when there is a compete economic collapse. If tht happens, there will be no school and anything that can be done will be done online. Unfortunately, you have to have money to purchase access. What then genius?

    Go enjoy your salary, while I try to figure out how to keep my business afloat.


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