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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Look What I Found On Facebook!


  1. Day, I hope you read this: you are an arrogant ass.

  2. The quintessential "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality. Yet he will never get in trouble. You give someone a little power and they will always abuse it. Nothing about the parade was essential.

  3. I am unclear why this 15 second photo is an issue. Does not the daily COVID-19 press conferences effectively do the same ?

    1. If you look at the press conferences, the reporters are all sitting a good 6 feet apart...the people at the podium have no doubt been tested multiple times.

  4. Mental illness has to be treated by professionals. It takes sometime more than logic because those challenged do not see life for what it is. As for the dumbells posing - maybe they can get a group rate.

    1. Professionalism is almost non-existent these days 9:01

  5. He is always right and he's never wrong.

  6. I think Jake Day's favorite thing to do is argue with people on the internet. He always comes off as a know it all that is better than everyone else in his stupid replies.

  7. He’s a piece of work. He also hates comments about himself and can’t stop talking until he feels he won the fight. Let’s let Jake know how we feel about him in these comments.

  8. Just wow! I try to find a way to have some type of respect for Jake Day, but he makes is simply impossible. The man is truly being foolish and to continue to argue his point is more foolish. And to do so in a public forum - well - is foolish!!

    1. I tried really hard too 9:31, but my better judgement tells me better.

  9. So we are not suppose to stand in line
    For 5 minutes less than 6 feet apart and he is having employees gather to take a picture which you know took a few minutes to get them all together and take a few pics... nice example for the citizens of the city.. you did EXACTLY what you are telling others not to.. hypocrisy at its best..

  10. there were children inside some of those vehicles .... tax payer gas for tax payer vehicles could have been better spent .... maybe jakey needs to stop being a mayor and get a job as an event organizer.....

  11. Do as I say, not as I do.

  12. As I stated yesterday "rules for thee not for me". What a schmuck.

  13. SMH.

    Rickie - this is NOT how to run local gov't.

  14. I pray for some industrial accident/illness to befall this moron. Who elects these idiots? Is Salisbury this freaking dumbed down?

  15. I still can’t believe he cut down the trees. Very sad.

  16. Let’s see happens in one or two weeks and see if those in the photo or those that they live with get the virus. If so, Joke Day is responsible.

  17. Folks, you would not believe the rules he has for his wife. He is so abusive to her. Literally threw her down on the ground in front of his children threatened to kill her. Talks down to her like a dog.plays mind games with her. You have no idea what goes on behind closed doors in his home. He has real mental issues.

    1. This is so very sad to hear. Hopefully he will pay at some point for his wrongdoings.

  18. I know someone who works in Hogan’s office. They have been made aware of Day’s antics this includes his home life.

  19. How did he get re-elected. Surely Salisbury has someone better - or is it the "good old boys" club.

  20. Anonymous said...
    The quintessential "Do as I say, not as I do" mentality. Yet he will never get in trouble. You give someone a little power and they will always abuse it. Nothing about the parade was essential.

    April 14, 2020 at 8:50 AM

    Does anyone know if Jake Day played any sports in high school or for extracurricular activites?

    I would like to know because there is discipline in sports and it appears this gay clown has never had any discipline?

  21. Anonymous said...
    I am unclear why this 15 second photo is an issue. Does not the daily COVID-19 press conferences effectively do the same ?

    April 14, 2020 at 8:50 AM

    "I am unclear why this 15 second photo is an issue..."

    Isn't this the same thing that Jake Day posted in that message with Hollie?? This is evidence that Gay Day is Trolling this blog.

  22. Day is a danger to our community. He is becoming more and more unhinged. I feel so sorry for those around him.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Mental illness has to be treated by professionals. It takes sometime more than logic because those challenged do not see life for what it is. As for the dumbells posing - maybe they can get a group rate.

    April 14, 2020 at 9:01 AM

    You are correct that they all need to be treated for their mental illnesses.

    John Tull, you dumba$$ took time away from your family just to kiss the Mare's a$$.

    Barb Duncan, you dumba$$ took time away from your family just to kiss the Mare's a$$.

    This is why I would never take a job as the Fire Chief or the Chief of Police. They are such low lives that they would stoop to any level to get that power over a small department.

    Memo to the next group submitting your CV's and Resumes for the Chief's job. This is what you have to do on the holidays. You will have no life and you will be provided with a snorkel and a face mask because you will be kissing a$$ and going deep.

  24. Anonymous said...
    He is always right and he's never wrong.

    April 14, 2020 at 9:16 AM

    Correct. The first sign of a narcissistic moron.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I think Jake Day's favorite thing to do is argue with people on the internet. He always comes off as a know it all that is better than everyone else in his stupid replies.

    April 14, 2020 at 9:23 AM

    You are correct. I had to deal with that little redneck trolling on my FB page and arguing with me. Then I had idiots like Jackie Wellfonder and Mike Hitch defending Jake and attacking me. Then those creeps tried to send me a friend request. Not happening, Homo's!

  26. Anonymous said...
    Just wow! I try to find a way to have some type of respect for Jake Day, but he makes is simply impossible. The man is truly being foolish and to continue to argue his point is more foolish. And to do so in a public forum - well - is foolish!!

    April 14, 2020 at 9:31 AM

    Jake Day and his rabid followers are internet bullies.

    "to argue his point is more foolish"
    I disagree with you 100% on this. This is how we find out how stupid and ignorant Jake Day is. If you don't understand then you are just as ignorant.

  27. Does anyone know what happened to Jake’s first wife? Was he abusive with her?

  28. Anonymous said...
    He’s a piece of work. He also hates comments about himself and can’t stop talking until he feels he won the fight. Let’s let Jake know how we feel about him in these comments.

    April 14, 2020 at 9:29 AM

    You better believe I am going to let Jake Day know how I feel.

    Jake Day is a worthless P.O.S. and so is his homo boyfriend, Jordan Gilmore.

  29. From what I hear Jakes parents help create this monster.

  30. Anonymous said...
    So we are not suppose to stand in line
    For 5 minutes less than 6 feet apart and he is having employees gather to take a picture which you know took a few minutes to get them all together and take a few pics... nice example for the citizens of the city.. you did EXACTLY what you are telling others not to.. hypocrisy at its best..

    April 14, 2020 at 9:49 AM

    Oh, but it only took 15 seconds, just ask him. We all know damn well that it takes a good 15 minutes or more to get a large group picture like that. Not everyone is looking at the camera at the same time and many times someone has their eyes clothes. If you believe everything that Jake Day says then you are too stupid to vote.

  31. He is such a LIAR! If they all just took their PPE off, where is it?? Are we supposed to believe that they were all fully geared up and stopped, removed everything, carried it far out of the picture, then stayed 6 feet apart while waiting for everyone else to finish removing and stowing their gear, then counted to 3 and gathered "quickly" for a picture... before moving back to a safe, 6 foot distance and putting their gear immediately back on. LIAR LIAR, pants that mommy and daddy paid for are on FIRE!

  32. Anonymous said...
    there were children inside some of those vehicles .... tax payer gas for tax payer vehicles could have been better spent .... maybe jakey needs to stop being a mayor and get a job as an event organizer.....

    April 14, 2020 at 9:54 AM

    You are correct. What if one of those vehicles wrecked and a citizen child was hurt? The city taxpayers would be footing the bill.

    That was very irresponsible leadership. Jake Day, Barbara Duncan and John Tull need to resign.

  33. 11:55am, how did he get re-elected? The voting in Salisbury is not on the up and up, no one will ever convince me otherwise. Don't you know that dead people vote around here? Those voting records have probably never been purged, besides the fact that some people vote more than once and whatever other underhanded things can be done to make an election come out in your favor.

  34. Anonymous said...
    there were children inside some of those vehicles .... tax payer gas for tax payer vehicles could have been better spent .... maybe jakey needs to stop being a mayor and get a job as an event organizer.....

    April 14, 2020 at 9:54 AM

    Jake Day is nothing but a community organizer and so is Julia Glanz. Worthless employees of the City of Salisbury and we deserve better.

  35. Anonymous said...

    Rickie - this is NOT how to run local gov't.

    April 14, 2020 at 10:55 AM

    Who is Rickie??

  36. Anonymous said...
    I pray for some industrial accident/illness to befall this moron. Who elects these idiots? Is Salisbury this freaking dumbed down?

    April 14, 2020 at 11:27 AM

    I'm with you. I pray that his days are numbered.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Folks, you would not believe the rules he has for his wife. He is so abusive to her. Literally threw her down on the ground in front of his children threatened to kill her. Talks down to her like a dog.plays mind games with her. You have no idea what goes on behind closed doors in his home. He has real mental issues.

    April 14, 2020 at 11:50 AM

    Please post any information that you might have. This is interesting and I believe it. Not that I am defending her because she is an adult and makes adult decisions. I pray for those precious daughters of hers. I pray that Randy and his Wifey doen't get custody of them. Look what the hell he raised.

  38. Anonymous said...
    Let’s see happens in one or two weeks and see if those in the photo or those that they live with get the virus. If so, Joke Day is responsible.

    April 14, 2020 at 11:49 AM

    I'm hoping Babs Duncan, Jake Day and John Tull get it. Have you seen those nasty looking white legs of his? He has something going on with him.

  39. Anonymous said...
    I still can’t believe he cut down the trees. Very sad.

    April 14, 2020 at 11:31 AM

    Yes he did. He thinks he is above the law. Just wait until he cuts the trees down on Eastern Shore Drive when he puts the Roundabouts on College Avenue and Carol Street. Guess what? Jake Day has already cut the trees down once on Eastern Shore Drive and replanted them.

  40. Anonymous said...
    I still can’t believe he cut down the trees. Very sad.

    April 14, 2020 at 11:31 AM

    I can't believe that Jack Heath and Manure Bota allowed him. Lame ass leadership.

  41. Anonymous said...
    I know someone who works in Hogan’s office. They have been made aware of Day’s antics this includes his home life.

    April 14, 2020 at 11:53 AM

    Everyone should copy and paste these stories on Gov. Hogan's FB pages and Twitter accounts.

  42. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How did he get re-elected. Surely Salisbury has someone better - or is it the "good old boys" club.

    April 14, 2020 at 11:55 AM

    He got re-elected because the President and Vice President along with the majority of members of the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee endorsed him. They also put 8x4" signs up on their properties. That would be Mark McIver, Muir Boda and newly appointed Central Committee member and new President of the Central Committee Nate Sansom.

    Jake also got endorsements for RINO's like"

    Governor Larry Hogan
    Senator Mary Beth Carozza
    Senator Addie Eckhardt
    Delegate Carl Anderton
    Wicomico Council President John Cannon
    Wicomico States Attorney Jamie Dykes
    Wicomico Sheriff Mike Lewis
    Former Republican Central Committee member Dr. Mark T. Edney, Urologist

    If we have missed any RINO's please fill in the blanks.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Day is a danger to our community. He is becoming more and more unhinged. I feel so sorry for those around him.

    April 14, 2020 at 12:24 PM

    I couldn't agree with you more that Jake Day is very unhinged. Maybe Hogan will take his head out of his ass and eliminate Jake Day as Mayor of Salisbury.

  44. Day is a Dope. He needs to just go away!

  45. Jake Day needs to find some nads and ask to be deployed to the Middle East with some real soldiers with Balls. Real Heroes, not his Salisbury Far Deeparmint farmin dat he idolizes.

  46. Folks Hogan has been made aware!

  47. Smallsbury.

    You elected him.
    Enjoy the chaos.

  48. Fake Day is a moron!

  49. if none of it was put int a order, then why isnt everybody back to work? open those businesses back up and unrope or i guess i should say uncart Walmart.

  50. beware of jackie welfonder and her fake accounts.

  51. I never heard or saw anything about a parade until it was in our neighborhood and all were thinking an accident. We don't normally have Easter Parades just Thanksgiving parades so he decides to up and do this at the worst of all times, no consideration for the public or those in the parade. And NO I DID NOT VOTE FOR THE FOOL, MY CANDIDATE WAS KING. Elmer Fudd had more brains in the old cartoon than Jake. Impeach him now get out the partitions NOW IS THE DAY----GET IT STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. how all yall goobers fairing these days?

  53. Day, I hope you read this: you are a worthless piece of poop!

  54. Anonymous said...
    beware of jackie welfonder and her fake accounts.

    April 14, 2020 at 2:03 PM

    Exactly. She is a two-faced RINO P.O.S. I hope that she isn't a Registered Republican any longer. She is all about Jake Day and his Gay Pride parade. She worships anything that Jake Day does.

    I am so glad the Republicans sent that fat pig packing. She tried running for Republican Central Committee and the Republicans kicked her to the curb. Just like the Republican Club did. Buh Bye, Ms. Piggy!

  55. just another politician who says do as i say not as i do

  56. Ok Jake Day, leave your wife alone or I’m going to the media. I have had enough. I have lots of material.....test me!

  57. Your citizens don’t care about you Jake! Leave Liz alone I’m not kidding!

  58. Jake I hope you go to Somalia and never return. No one in Salisbury cares about your 25,000 a year job. Oh and let’s not forget about the army money your stealing to further your career. I have read all the material. You are nothing. I will be contacting Barbara for the scoop on you too.

  59. Watch the video or check out the photos on the Daily Times site...two children sitting in the back of a van with the hatch up, NO PPE and a police car carrying Jake Day, NO PPE on driver or Day. Right there is photographic evidence that he LIED once again! If the public has to remain 6+ feet apart, even outdoors, he was dead wrong to do what he did. There are published pics and video to prove it! Just how dumb is he?


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