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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Maryland election board’s plan for no in-person voting is ripe for legal challenge, voting rights groups say

When members of the Maryland Board of Elections convened, they knew they would be asked to make a near-impossible decision.

Offer in-person centers to ensure every possible voter could participate in the June 2 primary, but risk the exposure of election staff and volunteers to a mysterious and deadly viral pandemic?

Or hold an election exclusively with ballots sent by mail, a system that would exclude some of the most disadvantaged voters — people with disabilities, those without housing and people temporarily displaced by the spreading outbreak?

Having listened to stern advice on both sides of the issue, board members came down on the side of public health, opting for a draft plan that does not include in-person polling.



  1. Communists will always vote for absentee ballots.

  2. Not NO but HELL NO! Mail in, absentee, vote harvesting, eyc is WROGHT WITH FRAUD SND CORRUPTION! If a voter feels staying at h ol me is more important than voting, then that's THEIR choice. If we c as n walk around freaking Walmart, we can stand in line to vote!!! This is. SHAM! WE THE PEOPLE MUST STAND AGAINST THIS! EVERYONE, needs to contact their elected officials and DEMAND THIS NOT HAPPEN! PERIOD, THE END! Wr have allowed our elected officials to use this pandemic ad a tool to suit their agendas!

  3. What do you expect from the Democrats that rule MD like communist dictators. Just another step to justify socialism. NO WAY SHOULD THIS BE DONE. Free elections will be destroyed by this voter tampering and voter fraud.

  4. God help us. This is the only way the Democrats can win.

  5. No, no, no , no mail in votingšŸ˜µ

  6. Let's get on the phones, emails, facebook, etc. Lets get out and knock at the doors of our elected officials! The ONLY language they know is "election ". WE THE PEOPLE need to speak their language and make it clear IF THEY dont stand OUR GROUND, on it, we WONT VOTE! We never make them answer to us. IT'S TIME! We can no longer "dilute" our rights & freedoms, and until THEY'RE held ACCOUNTABLE for their lack of backbone, and not representing US, their constituents, they will continue to neglect, and avoid our interests. THEY WORK FOR US! LETS MAKE EM WORK!


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