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Monday, April 20, 2020

Maryland Republican Party Chairman Calls For Peter Franchot’s Chief Of Staff Len Foxwell To Resign

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) — The chairman of the Maryland Republican Party is calling for the chief of staff of the state’s comptroller to be fired over controversial comments he made on social media.

Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot’s chief of staff Len Foxwell Saturday responded to criticism of the controversial Facebook post in which he wrote that members of a right-wing group opposed to stay-at-home orders and other coronavirus-related restrictions should be put in a warehouse “and then let Darwin work his magic.”

Foxwell, who joined Franchot’s office in 2007, according to his biography with the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum where he’s a board member, shared a link to an article on Monday about a group called “The Patriot Movement” calling on people to defy coronavirus-related orders. In the post, he wrote:

“Let’s lure them into a big, big warehouse (we’ll call it something real classy to suit their refined sensibilities, like “America MAGA Platinum Palace”) with the promise of all the unfiltered Camels they can smoke, all the Salisbury steak and banana moonpies they can eat, washed down by all the Old Crow and Icehouse they can drink.

“Plus, autographs from Scott Baio and pics with Tawny Kitean, posing all sexy and everything on a sportscar, just like in that old Whitesnake video! Get them in, bar the door and then let Darwin work his magic.”



  1. Peter and Len both need to go. No questions no recourse, no apologies.

    Just resign and be done with it!

  2. Agree Hogan has to do something ASAP. This is his administration and Hogan can request a immediate removal by the State Legislature. This will tell you if these MD Democrats are working for the citizens or for the destruction of MD.

  3. Lenny is a big supporter of Jake Day and he hates Culver. Day, Franchot, and Foxwell are all interconnected. Huge PROGRESSIVES!

  4. I saw this, too, on CNN.

    Okay, I made that up.

    Keep cheering.


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