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Monday, April 20, 2020

Here is more from Len Foxwell, people are pissed and Franchot is covering for him. If he is so innocent why did he delete them. He's as arrogant as Jakeass


  1. Isn't he a public official who's address is posted ? Just asking.

  2. Mr. Foxwell may not be as cute as he thinks, at least not to anyone not named Franchot. The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum has announced this morning that they have accepted Len Foxwell's resignation from their Board of Governors, effective immediately. A search of their website finds that his bio and any notation of him have already been scrubbed from the site. Mr. Franchot's hand may be forced in this issue and I predict Mr. Foxwell will be gone sooner rather than later. I am sure there will be an announcement from him stating that he is voluntarily resigning his post because of the distraction he is creating for Mr. Franchot's efforts to serve the citizens of Maryland, blah, blah, blah.

  3. He is not a public servant, he is Franchot's servant.

  4. WTH is it with this generation of politicians bantering back and forth with the people they are elected to serve? Please stop children.

    1. Agreed. It seldom ends well for them.

  5. Somebody needs to step into the Ladies and untwist her knickers.

  6. Len, I hear once Rickie opens up OC business, there will be PLENTY of jobs for you. Hospitality that is...behind the scenes too.

    A$$HAT privileged schmuck!

  7. Hogan you approve of this BS? This is your administration. Is this proof of why you are so inept in being a Governor? Franchot this proves you are not an administer. You need to be removed ASAP as well. You are just another liberal socialist that is living off the tax payer. You will never get my support again. Your decision proves you agree with the Democrat dictatorship type of government. Not a government for the people.

  8. Hey Lenny, I have a better idea....lock you and me in that warehouse then let Darwin work his magic


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