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Monday, April 20, 2020

Big Brother in the Sky: Police Use Chinese Drones to Enforce Social Distancing

Police in Elizabethtown, N.J., are using drones to spy on citizens in areas patrol cars cannot reach. Authorities claim the drones are not taking pictures or collecting evidence, but failure to comply with their orders could lead to a summons or $1,000 fine. Even worse, the drones come from a Chinese company that sent similar drones across the country — and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has warned that data collected on these Chinese-owned drones could be compromised and sent back to Beijing.

"The drones make it easier for police to see into certain areas where access by patrol cars is more difficult. That includes tight spaces between buildings, behind schools, and backyards," an MSNBC anchor explained in a segment on Friday. "Failure to comply could lead to a summons or a thousand dollar fine."

"It’s just an invasion of your privacy," a local man told MSNBC.

J. Christian Bollwage, the city's mayor, responded to the criticism by insisting that the drones could save lives.

"My answer to those people is, 'If these drones save one life, it is clearly worth the activity and the information that the drones are sending,'" Bollwage said.

"The drones, donated by DJI, a Chinese company, have gone to 43 agencies in 22 states, all to help enforce social distancing rules," MSNBC reported. "Authorities say the drones aren’t taking pictures or collecting evidence. It’s a high-tech warning against a daily virus."



  1. Friends , Romans and countrymen , lend me you ears , all this crap about "orders" by the leaders is nothing but crap . They are not laws , you will not be fined or imprisoned . The are telling you in a harsh way to scare you. However it's a good idea to be safe as they suggest .

  2. If I see one over my property, it's coming down!...smh

  3. I told you, just a matter of time

  4. Radar enforcement will be done from DRONES too like I have said before !!!

    You won't see the speeding tickets coming or where the hell the camera was

    cops can sit in the office instead of their cars & "GOTCHA" !!!!!

  5. New type of revenue generator coming to an area near you soon!

  6. China will own everything soon once there virus takes over.

    1. Your crazy 240, they won't own my property

  7. Sheriff Lewis will LOVE his Drones to make his Bones !!!!

  8. Flying skeet, cool!

  9. China virus, China testing kits contaminated, now China spying on us.

  10. Time to get a Drone of our OWN !!! See what we can see !!!!

  11. drones GPS, computers, tracking everything, little corvo nazi narcs everywhere, no GOD, no morals, no genders,no cash, embeded chips..how many of your are gonna be the first to take it?? You have failed a simple test whats gonna happen when it gets real bad?
    "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name"


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