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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mark Zuckerberg unveils Facebook's new coronavirus tracking site

Mark Zuckerberg unveils Facebook's new coronavirus tracking site with map created from people self-reporting symptoms which he says can highlight clusters of sick people and help predict where the disease may spread to help hospitals prepare

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has unveiled a coronavirus 'heat map' powered by user data which is aimed at helping track the spread of the disease and plan for society reopening.

The map developed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University is based on responses to surveys which ask Facebook and Google users to self-report COVID-19 symptoms.

The researchers say that the responses, when combined with other figures such as medical claims and medical testing, can provide a more comprehensive view of the coronavirus pandemic than positive tests alone - and at a faster rate.

Within the next few weeks, the researchers hope to use the data to provide forecasts that will help hospitals, first responders and other health officials anticipate the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations and ICU admits in their areas.



  1. No thanks, twinkletoes.


  2. Guess who is less trusted than
    used car salesmen
    all current and suspended DemocratSocialist candidates
    Nancy Antoinette
    Hunter and Fredo
    Nigerian princes' emails?

    If you picked Markie Z you are correct!

  3. As the vice tightens its Getting closer with every crisis.intentional, i say yes. Look how the NAZI comes out with these progressives.

    "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name"

  4. Zuck works for intelligence
    He created nothing

  5. How many of you actually care about the fake readings?

  6. i agree, Zuke is just complying to what they want him to do.


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