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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Dan Crenshaw WRECKS Democrat Narrative With Amazing Viral Video

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) is on a roll. After torching Bill Maher he's back with a viral video debunking Democrats' claims that the president has "blood on his hands" and "didn't do enough" to curb the spread of the Chinese virus known as COVID-19. This is a must-watch. Crenshaw illustrates perfectly with video evidence that the Democrats were actively downplaying the virus during the time they are now claiming Trump should have "done more." Not only that, but they were also criticizing him for shutting down travel from China and calling him a "racist." Is anyone actually buying their fabricated stories and do they know they were on tape? It's difficult to watch them try to gaslight us while we can look on YouTube and find them saying the opposite just three short months ago. Crenshaw has wrapped it all up in a nicely shareable package, so get out there and share it.

BRILLIANT, A MUST WATCH! @RepDanCrenshawpic.twitter.com/W6pGsJQ2ua



  1. Check out Julie Brewington on case search. She has a felony theft charge on her. People say shes hard on the drugs and liquor.

  2. though difficult to dig up a military hero that will defend the coward in chief, one has rose to the bait. The recorded [proof] of dumpster dismissing, disavowing, denying, ignoring, shifting responsibility of, and lying about the crisis at hand will forever be there for history to see. Justice will have an intimate confession from his prison cell, next to Bill and Hillarys.

    1. You apparently didn’t watch the video and your drunk. Congrats

    2. Trump won 2016
      Trump will win 2020
      I’m voting Trump
      Thank you

    3. You are delusional 8:55, change your tv to a different channel.

  3. I adore Dan Crenshaw. Not only is he an honest man but he served our country well. Sadly he lost his eye but not his love of country OR the truth.
    Too bad he doesn't represent Maryland in any way. He would be so good for our State.
    But Dan - YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!

    1. Very well stated 9:02, I couldn't agree more. Too bad we couldn't have someone like him representing us Marylanders

  4. I love the way he calmly answers all the BS and the way Marrs face gets distorted when he answers! Priceless.


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