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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Press Release


  1. I agree with the MDE this time, but not usually

  2. It's as clear as mud to those who don't follow the council shenanigans.

  3. Funny how Culver and Cannon are BFF's now!

  4. Anonymous said...
    It's as clear as mud to those who don't follow the council shenanigans.

    April 22, 2020 at 8:47 PM

    Is that you Mike Dunn?

  5. "The hysteria is inexcusable and not in our citizen's best interest?"

    WTF! Culver, Cannon, McCain and Hastings think they know what is in the best interest of the citizens?? Who the Hell do they think they are! He is trying to force the citizens in the city to pay double taxes and a water and sewer bill. We don't want to be annexed into the City of Salisbury not today, not tomorrow and not 30 years from now. John Cannon and Bill McCain will have a difficult time getting re-elected.

  6. Anonymous said...
    I agree with the MDE this time, but not usually

    April 22, 2020 at 8:43 PM

    Agree with what?

    1. Denying the county's request, did you read the letter 1045?

  7. I'm wondering why Bob Culver would rather turn my property over to Jake Day and Ghetto'bury instead of trying to come up with our own water and sewer plan? Isn't he intelligent enough to do that?

  8. How many tax paying citizens from that area want that city waterpipe going through their neighborhoods? I'm just curious who wants a pre-annexation agreement for their homes?

    Please put your name on this page if you want to be governed by Jake Day, Jack Heath, Muir Boda, Michele Gregory and April Jackson and pay city and county taxes along with a water bill. Don't be shy, leave your name.

  9. Well, John Cannon and Bill McCain have something to gain financially from this pipestem annexation just like Mike Dunn did at Victoria Park at Sassafras Meadows when he was the President of the Salisbury City Council. No wonder Mike Dunn is pushing this as hard as he is.

    Mr. Culver if you don't want to be connected to this corruption you might want to back away from this. This doesn't pass the smell test.

    1. Very true 1:39. Are you listening Bob Culver ??

  10. I'm a guy with above average intellect, but I'm not clear on the legaleze.
    They are saying or not saying that a municipal water line should be run to the airport???
    IMHO, they need to do something out there: either a new, deeper well or connect to SBY water. Even if they did a small line with a large holding tank it would help.
    My kids say the water taste like pennies. They're right. It's terrible.

  11. here's the deal, from someone who knows. there are many parcels by the airport that to put in water and sewer would cost the land owners a small fortune. so some of the land was donated to the county with a 99 year lease back for pennies. this way the land gets the water and sewer at taxpayer expense and the original landowner gets the property upgraded with water and sewer at no expense! sweet deal for them, you and me not so much!
    This is how the good ol boy network continues to thrive with these back room deals!

    1. 7:44 - If the land is donated to the country with a 99 year lease, I doubt very seriously that the owner will be around to collect the benefits.

  12. This mde document is outdated,it refers to urban services district. The resolutions are for a pre annexation agreement. Looks as if Bob and Jake have kissed and made up.

  13. Good ‘Ole Boys = Freemasons

  14. The Greater Salisbury Committee and the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce are nothing but special interest groups that need to mind their own business.

  15. Anonymous said...
    I'm a guy with above average intellect, but I'm not clear on the legaleze.
    They are saying or not saying that a municipal water line should be run to the airport???
    IMHO, they need to do something out there: either a new, deeper well or connect to SBY water. Even if they did a small line with a large holding tank it would help.
    My kids say the water taste like pennies. They're right. It's terrible.

    April 23, 2020 at 7:28 AM

    There is no copper in the water and that is a fact. Check the water pipes in your house and replace them with PVC.

    If you want to be governed and owned by the City of Salisbury then please sign your name otherwise tell Mr. Culver and Mr. Cannon that the county should have their own water and sewer.

  16. That guy from the tricounty council that sent that long boring letter needs to be careful because he could easily be replaced by some councilmembers. Don't try to get shitty with your bosses.

  17. The airport has become a blackhole that will suck dry the County’s general fund balance. If you look at Bob Culver’s recently released 2021 adopted operating budget, the airport will require a $783,809.65 operating subsidy from the general fund (tax payers money). That’s nearly $160,000 more that the current $622,043.47 general fund subsidy required in 2020. Also, surprising is the increase in the airport manager’s salary (currently on extended leave without pay) at $122,570 in 2021. That a near $6000 pay raise from her current salary of $116,733.

  18. This is Bob's payback for Parsonsburg Fire dept for not supporting his rogue outlaw fire dept. He is willing to sacrifice the safety of citizens to get his way

  19. 10:32 the lease is passed down through the family, nothing is free! are you that ignorant. if you really want to open your eyes have a look at the various commissions, who's on them and what deals have been cut.
    some are so sweet you'd want them! but then again you would have to get off your ass go to the meetings and start tracking whats being done!
    so why bother. right?

  20. Anonymous said...
    7:44 - If the land is donated to the country with a 99 year lease, I doubt very seriously that the owner will be around to collect the benefits.

    April 23, 2020 at 10:32 AM

    No, but the family members will be.

  21. Anonymous said...
    This is Bob's payback for Parsonsburg Fire dept for not supporting his rogue outlaw fire dept. He is willing to sacrifice the safety of citizens to get his way

    April 23, 2020 at 1:30 PM

    Please explain this dumb comment.

  22. Does anyone else find it ironic that John Cannon has all of a sudden become best buds with the County Executive and for the past 6 years they have argued on everything? I mean nasty attacks. This is very suspicious Mr. John Cannon. Hmmm!

  23. Bill McCain, John Cannon and Bob Culver would be singing a different tune if their properties were going to be annexed into the armpits of Slum'bury. Not one of them lives in District 5 or District 3 so it doesn't matter to them. Josh Hastings lives right smack in the middle of Slum'bury so he is already paying city taxes and doesn't care. He wants Salisbury to expand more of the east and fall under Democrat control just like most ghetto cities.


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