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Monday, April 20, 2020

China falsely telling Arab world U.S. behind coronavirus

A media research group on Friday released the transcript of a China-produced Arabic-language news report to show how Beijing’s propaganda machine is blaming the coronavirus on America.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which monitors TV and social media in the Arab world, focused on a March 17 broadcast of “China View” on Beijing’s Global Television Network Arabic (CGTN), which overall has 14 million viewers.

The TV show host, “Ms. V,” takes the Arab world through a number of unproven conspiracy theories that all point to the United States as the source of COVID-19, the disease that has infected and killed thousands global.

The Middle East is an increasingly ripe target for China’s trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative to build ports, highways and even cities to gain inroads into the oil-rich region and to compete with the U.S.



  1. The communists in China use the exact same tactics that the dumbocrats here use.

  2. Won't be long before our own liberals will be saying the same. They would rather see dead Americans then support the president. Just the truth now watch.

  3. It is easiest to believe the elites in the US and the elites in China are in collusion. Pretty easy to grasp.

    After all, the US elites exported Americans jobs to Chinese factories long ago and then imported the finished product back to the US where dumb Americans bought them using credit.

  4. 8:41
    The US Democrats use the same tactics as the Communist in China.

    Got it?

  5. Is it false?

    Is the US actually a modern day 1933 Germany?
    Or is it a modern day 1945 Russia?

    Does the US Government lie to the American population? No?

  6. Gossip and misinformation . DO you not think that we are being fed the same bulls#@!

  7. Sounds like my neighbor - full of viscous rumors so other people will hate you and not them. Works all the time. Time to stand up to China by making all Pharma return to US.


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