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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

John Podesta and George Soros Connected to Consortium Behind Russia Collusion Sham Now Pushing Democrat Coronavirus Investigation

Creepy John Podesta and George Soros are connected to a consortium behind the creators of the Steele dossier and the Senate report on Russia collusion – both totally bogus reports. Now they’re working on the upcoming investigation into the President’s actions with the coronavirus.

Daniel Jones, a former staffer for Democrat Dianne Feinstein, received awards for his efforts in the Democrat’s horrible CIA torture report where he was connected to Senate Intelligence Committee staffer James Wolfe. A woman from the New York Times, Ali Watson, almost received a Pulitzer for her reporting on this subject. Watson was the young girl who was reporting classified information in the Times that was given to her by the much older man she was sleeping with, James Wolfe.

1 comment:

  1. Bill Barr can slow the roll of the money but he won’t. Same people involved in another investigation. Trump said the virus will be the new hoax. Now 24/7 media does unanswered hits and Nancy has called for a investigation into how trump handled it. Using covid money and Adam Shift. Sick


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