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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Sen. Tom Cotton Confirms TGP Suspicions: If China Was “Going to Suffer an Economic Contraction, They Were Not Going to Allow the World to Prosper”

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) joined Maria Bartiromo this morning on Sunday Morning Futures. In his interview, Cotton stated at the following at the 3:00 mark on the Chinese Communist regime:

I believe the Chinese Communist leaders, when they were aware of those facts by mid-January, made the conscious decision not to explain to the world that it [the coronavirus] was transmissible between humans, not to shut down travel, not to ask for American or other kind international scientific help, but to allow this virus to escape its borders.

Because if they were going to suffer an economic contraction, they were not going to allow the world to prosper and China be the only country whose economy was declining.



  1. And the democrats needed help to keep trump out in 2020..im telling you democrats are involved with this!!

  2. Exactly why we must isolate them and reduce them back to a third world country

  3. If China created this virus you can blame them. If China was aware this lab was operating dangerously you can blame them. If China was warned that Coronavirus experiments were more risk than reward you can blame them. If they knew of some way of combatting the virus and didn't tell they world you can blame them. However there is not yet any solid proof of any of this. You cannot blame them if this is truely just a mutation that happened to occur within their borders. Once this genie was out of the bottle there was no stopping or containing it. It will have to run its course.
    If you want to find blame with someone blame your own Governor's. We have voluntarily given up one after another of our Constitutional rights because we were told it was to protect the most vulnerable. Then they tell nursing homes they are REQUIRED to take Covid patients. This instantly nullifies everything we have given up over the last month to protect these people. We can quickly undo the Constitution but when it comes to some vague interpretation of fair housing laws well our hands are tied. It
    would be less cruel to just douse the nursing home in gasoline and burn everyone up.
    This is how you know it's a fraud. This has been spun to intentionally destroy the economy, rig the elections and a test run to see just how much of our freedom you are willing to give up for security. And it's a win-win if we all fought it and went back to life we are right back to giving them 30% of everything we earn and 6% of everything we spend.

  4. Oh I'm totally convinced the Democrats are involved 100%.

  5. Don’t be a sheep

    The US Military is as large as all other militaries combined. China did not attack the world.

  6. I buy things from a Chinese in this country who gets their merchandise from there for years now. 2 wks shipment was the usual wait. Early Feb they told me because of Chinese New Year (fe 11-17) shipments would be delayed a little bit. Then right after that they said something along the lines that a bad illness was holding up shipment. By the end of Feb I was being told many of the factories were closed and many were facing not reopening soon if at all.
    We will probably never know the extent of how this hurt their economy but we can trust Senator Cotton's words about them wanting the rest of the world to go down with them. They are power hungry.

  7. Is there a chance that China knew of this virus several years ago, developed an antidote in secret for their leadership then released the virus to infect the world. Chinese leaders wouldn’t think twice if all they lost were a few million of their own citizens if it meant they have an advantage over other countries.

    1. Spot on, they've done it before. Wage WWIII with economically and the loss of some of their own is acceptable collateral damage and the death of others worldwide icing on the cake.


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