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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Pelosi Pushes Vote-by-Mail: ‘Every Person Registered to Vote Should Receive a Ballot’

Friday on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said “much more than” the initial $400 million for a vote-by-mail initiative will be included in the next coronavirus stimulus bill to enable “every person registered to vote” to receive a ballot at home.

When asked about President Donald Trump not favoring bailout funding for the post office, Pelosi said, “The post office has over 90 percent favorability among the American people. They depend on the post office as a public institution. Seniors now are getting — they have always been getting their medicine by mail for a long time now and now even more urgently. People are buying things that are telemarketing and the rest, and they’re being delivered by the post office. So at this time, any time, it’s a bad idea. It’s what they’re about, privatization, privatization, privatization. Let someone else go make money off someone that should be a public service for the American people. We will have to have that fight. We tried to get funding for the post office in the CARES one bill. We had some money in a bipartisan way, but the president I understand personally rejected it.”



  1. Biden will win and welcome to the new China. Tech overlords will be in charge of speech from remote mansions on the water. SS will be gutted and food stamps will be reduced to cover more people. I personally will be in the land of smiles getting a 5 dollar massage and fresh fruits from the vendors.

  2. SOoooo ahhh, NANCY, when you say EVERY person registered, are you including the 1,000's of Dead voters too? Sounds like a plan.....Hey, gimme a minute to think this over............Nmmmm, ahhh, NO!

  3. The Evil Witch and The Poisoned Apples...we're just 'extras' in their twisted fairy tale.

  4. That ding bat pushes anything that is not right.

  5. No one will remember Nancy in the history books?


    There will be no history books!


  6. Anything she wants only benefits her, not America.


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