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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

I Told All Of You, Hogan Can Attack President Trump But He Needs Trump To Make 500,000 Tests Work. He's An Idiot!

Governor Hogan Writes to President Trump to Request Guidance on Using Federal Labs for COVID-19 TestingThese Federal Labs Can Be Key to Our Utilizing the 500,000 Tests We Recently Acquired from South Korea and Our Comprehensive Recovery Plan to Get Marylanders Back to Work as Safely and Quickly as Possible”
ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan, chairman of the National Governors Association, wrote to President Trump this afternoon to accept his offer to allow the State of Maryland to utilize federal labs for COVID-19 testing and to request guidance on how to move forward with this important federal-state collaboration.
“Maryland is fortunate to have a plethora of federal installations with the potential to play a critical role in increasing our testing capacity, including Aberdeen Proving Ground, Fort Detrick, Fort Meade, the National Institutes of Health, and the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center,” writes Governor Hogan. “These federal labs can be key to our utilizing the 500,000 tests we recently acquired from South Korea and our comprehensive recovery plan to get Marylanders back to work as safely and quickly as possible.
On Monday, after weeks of diplomatic discussions and procurement negotiations, Governor Hogan announced that Maryland has acquired 500,000 COVID-19 tests from South Korea’s LabGenomics.
“These federal labs can be key to our utilizing the 500,000 tests we recently acquired from South Korea and our comprehensive recovery plan to get Marylanders back to work as safely and quickly as possible,” writes Governor Hogan. “I was grateful to hear of your generous offer to allow the State of Maryland to access these federal labs for our testing. I am writing today to personally thank you and the Vice President and to request guidance on how we can immediately proceed on this important federal-state collaboration.”
In the letter, Governor Hogan notes that on March 15, the leaders of Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC wrote directly to the president to request a federally-supported testing site in the region.
As of today, Maryland has 14,193 cases of COVID-19 and 584 confirmed deaths.
Full text of Governor Hogan’s letter 
April 21, 2020
The Honorable Donald J. TrumpPresident of the United States 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington, DC 20500
Dear President Trump:
As chair of the National Governors Association, I want to thank you for the continued coordination between the federal, state, and local governments during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are making clear progress on many of the common challenges we face. I appreciate your administration’s focus on information sharing, highlighting best practices, and empowering governors to assess conditions on the ground and make the decisions that best fit our states. 
On March 15th, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Boswer, and I wrote to you directly requesting “that you add the National Capital Region to the priority locations for federally-supported COVID-19 testing sites,” noting that we “are well-positioned to make the best possible use of federal support for this testing.”  
As Vice President Pence detailed on the governors’ call yesterday, Maryland is fortunate to have a plethora of federal installations with the potential to play a critical role in increasing our testing capacity, including Aberdeen Proving Ground, Fort Detrick, Fort Meade, the National Institutes of Health, and the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. These federal labs can be key to our utilizing the 500,000 tests we recently acquired from South Korea and our comprehensive recovery plan to get Marylanders back to work as safely and quickly as possible. 
I was grateful to hear of your generous offer yesterday to allow the State of Maryland to access these federal labs for our testing. I am writing today to personally thank you and the Vice President and to request guidance on how we can immediately proceed on this important federal-state collaboration. I look forward to continuing to work with you and your great team. Thank you once again.
Larry HoganGovernor
cc: The Honorable Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States The Honorable Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Deborah Birx, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesDr. Stephen Hahn, Commissioner of Food & Drugs  Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Admiral Brett Giroir, M.D., Assistant Secretary for Health 


  1. He's always been an idiot and continues to be one.

  2. Hogan stood next a South Korean flag also did his Asian wifey get a cut of $ with that deal she made ?

  3. Unless Teump did it himself and takes credit for all of it, everyone else is wrong.

    1. C’mon man it’s the Thing of the thing. Lol

  4. No argument here he is just a fatter Jake Day but also the IQ of a houseplant, if they had an IQ. They are just different fellas from different mamas, both like media attention good or bad just so long as their in the news, photo opps necessary for their egos, and don't pay too much attention to their words because they change hourly.

  5. So he went out and bought 500,000 tests and he needs to ask Trump how to use them?????

  6. The federal labs don’t actually have the tests!!!

  7. I mean, the labs are useless without the tests, right. So it's the tests that were needed. We all ready had the labs.

    Look, this is a win for all Maryland residents. Hogan got the tests, Trump didn't. Simple as that. Trump told the Governors to get their own tests. That's exactly what Hogan did.

    I don't see what the problem is here.


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