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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Andrew Cuomo: ‘The President Is Right’ that States Should Lead on Testing

Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday said at his press conference that President Donald Trump is correct that coronavirus testing should be led by the states.

“The president is right, testing is up to the states which will implement the tests and logistically coordinate the tests,” Cuomo said.

The governor commented just minutes after Trump expressed frustration on Twitter about Democrats criticizing his approach to testing for the deadly virus.

“‘Testing, Testing, Testing,’ again playing a very dangerous political game,” Trump wrote. “States, not the Federal Government, should be doing the Testing.”

Cuomo said that there are about 300 labs in New York that were regulated by the state, and he is responsible for coordinating testing.

“I think the president is right when he says the states should lead,” he said.



  1. That way states can manipulate test anyway they want, like mail in ballets, so they can snag all that federal money.

  2. Are you listening Hogan

  3. None of the Governors are competant enough to LEAD anything !!!

  4. 11:35 They are all not like hogan


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