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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

House Republicans Demand Pelosi Call Congress Back Into Session

House Republicans are demanding that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) call the House back into session on time, ending the weeks-long recess and returning to work, and they’re taking to the House floor Tuesday afternoon to force recognition.

The House and Senate have been in recess since the beginning of April, but many Congressional legislators — including a number of Senate Republicans — are still in Washington, D.C., handling the after-effects of passing massive coronavirus relief packages like the CARES act, which included the Paycheck Protection Program that ran out of funds last week.

Republicans, Politico reports, believe the extended recess, which has Pelosi working from her mansion in San Francisco, California (home of the $24,000 SubZero side-by-side refrigerator/freezer), is forcing them to the outside of legislative negotiations — and they want back in.

The problem, the legislators, led by Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), say, is that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is being left to negotiate with Democratic leadership for the House and Senate — a situation that carves other legislators, like Mast and his House Republican colleagues, out of the process.

This is especially troubling for those House Republicans who feel they should have a say on any deal struck to the extend the Paycheck Protection Program, and the opportunity to object to Democrat plans to force a bill through the House without presenting it to individual Members for approval.



  1. All Politians not returning to DC Monday should not get paid and no benefits paid for the time they are absent from Congress. None of this pay and benefit money will not be eligible for donations to charity.

  2. Democratic platform: kill GODS gifts(babies), hate everything GOD stands for, and stay the f##% away from me. Ill let you all continue the list is so long

  3. Just watched a clip of Pelosi. She borders on the ridiculous and IMO has lost her mojo.

  4. Better yet > CLOSE Congress & have TRUMP call the shots !!!!

  5. Eliminate the Democrat TREAT in America !!!! Use POTUS POWERS !!!

  6. Not fair they will get paid, as if they even need it, but the point is taxpayers out of a job are not getting paid.

  7. Order their asses back to work & They don't need any Pay , they Rich now


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