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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Coronavirus with no symptoms? Reports suggest many have unknowingly had virus

Could you have been infected with the novel coronavirus but not have known it, having reported no symptoms?

It’s possible, as new reports suggest that many people have experienced the virus in this way, meaning COVID-19 may be less deadly than initially believed but ultimately complicating efforts to “re-open” the nation.

The news comes after reports of asymptomatic cases throughout the country, ranging from a homeless shelter in Boston to pregnant women in a New York hospital. Similar stories have emerged in Europe and in California, and even on a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier, the Associated Press reported.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says some 25 percent of cases are asymptomatic. But the Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. John Hyten, estimated that these types of cases among military personnel alone could be as high as 70 percent.

To date, more than 2 million people around the world have been infected with the virus. But with asymptomatic cases possibly being higher than first thought, “we have just been off the mark by huge, huge numbers” for estimating total infections, Dr. Michael Mina of Harvard’s School of Public Health told the Associated Press.



  1. This is exactly why we need to open back up in a limited capacity. You already don’t know 100% who has had it and who hasn’t. Keep the at risk populations isolated for their own safety and let everyone else start to get back to normal. You can still chose to self isolate, but people must get back to work. There is no amount of $$$ that can be thrown at this to make a dent. The only things turn around is getting back to whatever the new normal is.

    1. Everyone WILL be exposed, the sooner the better. Once all have been exposed it will go away.

  2. My guess we will found out shortly that this thing has already swept the country and 95% were asymptomatic.

  3. Not if democrats run out of other peoples money first 4:17. I cringe at the horror of the new normal..its no longer the democrat mantra lie of a safe space...but now its dont shake hands, hung, pray, vote, eat out,play games,just stay the f away from me?

  4. A bunch of kids were in the Fruitland Wal Mart parking lot earlier playing Corona tag.Parents nowhere in sight.

  5. I would probably bet I had something similar at the first of the year. I am one who NEVER gets sick ....ever and whatever hit me at New Years hung on for several weeks. My Doctor labeled it upper respiratory because she really could not figure it out either. I did not die as you can tell and I recovered in about 2-3 weeks. I am in my 60's so not a spring chicken and supposedly in the "high risk" group. People have got to stop letting the government tell you that you have to stay locked in your home.. For now wear a mask when you are out and about and just learn to live normal. Wash your hands a million times during the day and eat healthy and take a 30 minute walk every day! You have to live and not shrivel up in your homes for the next year!

  6. "Keep the at risk populations isolated for their own safety..."? Who makes the decision of who is "at risk"? Am I, at age 65, going to be forcibly isolated in my own home, because of my age? I don't think so! Hell, I am in better shape than the majority of the populace on the eastern shore. This area is full of overweight and diabetic people. They are more at risk than me.

  7. Corona Tag!

    I love it. A great way to protest government over reach. I don’t believe ANYTHING the government says.

  8. I wonder how accurate these tests are. It could be that these asymptomatic positive people have a different type of coronavirus that's not as severe and then there is the bad type that kills people. There are supposedly many different corona viruses. Maybe these tests are not distinguishing between them.

  9. I heard that people with type O blood are immune. That's me - finally something I can be thankful for🤔


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