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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Watch "Brian Stelter Cries About His Own Fake News


  1. I have been grieving for the past three years as I learned that the media does not truly give us news anymore and that OUR politicians are not. The democrats have one objective for three years and the media follows right behind them. So I am grieving the loss of my innocence. I used to believe that they were honest and that laws apply to everyone. Now I know better but I still grieve that loss. No, I don't cry at night over it.

  2. It's true. Why were we taught to be so trusting. I was always taught "work hard and you will get ahead".:Wow -damn it I did. That is not TRUE. No one paid me child care, family paid leave, food banks, free college, free rent, free phones, free checks each month, free food stamps. What the hell happened to work hard to get ahead. I KNOW - you get to pay for everyone else's free stuff.


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