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Monday, April 20, 2020

Here’s How Much Downstate New York Is Skewing the United States’ Coronavirus Numbers

I live in New York State. But I live in Western New York—not New York City or downstate. If you ask anyone from downstate, they are New Yorkers. I am not. And quite honestly, I’m okay with that. I have no problem with not being lumped in with the downstaters.

Except I still am. New York is a hotspot when it comes to coronavirus cases and deaths, but that’s only because of downstate. Upstate New York’s coronavirus situation pales in comparison to downstate. New York City, in particular, was doomed due to the incompetence of local leaders, as well as other factors, such as population density and its subway system aiding in the spread of the virus.

Personally, I’ve thought for weeks we should be counting downstate New York separately from the rest of the country. So I looked at the numbers to see what happens when you separate downstate New York from the rest of the country.



  1. The comparison reminds me of Baltimore and the BW corridor vs the Eastern Shore.

  2. Just like how California is fudging there # because of Nancy.

  3. According to Cuomo “That’s what makes us special”.


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