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Monday, April 20, 2020

Peter Franchot Never Liked You

We’ve been chronicling the faux conservatism and true left-wing nature of Comptroller Peter Franchot for years. And there has been no better time to illustrate that than the last 24 hours.

Yesterday it was revealed that Franchot’s Chief of Staff, Len Foxwell, made very off-color remarks about Trump supporters:

Maryland Republican Party Chairman Dirk Haire sent a letter yesterday to Franchotdemanding Foxwell’s resignation:

Latest: Peter Franchot Never Liked You

“I hope you agree with me that Mr. Foxwell’s statements suggesting the genocide of President Trump’s supporters are extraordinarily inappropriate and representative of a base and destructive mindset. A review of Mr. Foxwell’s Facebook page shows many similar posts by Mr. Foxwell.”

I won’t go so far as to say that Foxwell was calling for a genocide of Trump supporters and those hoping to “re-open Maryland.” But it does paint a picture that is not all too flattering of Foxwell, of Franchot, or their apologists.

Foxwell’s remarks show a persistent and always present smug elitism about them. A smug elitism that he is better than others, that liberals are better than conservatives, that he is better than any Trump voter, and that Democrats are better than Republicans every single time. Foxwell assumes the worst in people that he disagrees with. He assumes that anybody who disagrees with his warped, left-wing view of politics and the world is some sort of troglodyte, some sort of less than, some sort of undesirable, or some sort of….deplorable. Even when Foxwell joins his boss in their attacks against “The Annapolis Machine” (hilarious since both Foxwell and Franchot are themselves long-time members of the “Annapolis Machine”) it shows a smug sense of superiority.



  1. Of course he doesn’t like us. He is better than we are.

  2. Don't worry Len when the civil war starts against Dems I hope too see you soon on the streets.

  3. He’s not going to like Jake Day either once he is informed of Day’s antics.

  4. It is quit obvious this little boy has never learned professionalism, and based on his unprofessionalism he needs to be knocked down a notch or two. Or how about taking him out to the old woodshed, and busting his butt and washing his mouth out with soap, till he learns to respect people. This is coming from a moon-pie eating Cheetos crazy trump supporter.


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