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Friday, April 03, 2020

Just breathing or talking could spread coronavirus

Harvard doctor warns as Dr Fauci says the US is 'actively considering' telling all Americans to cover their faces in public

Just breathing and talking can spread coronavirus, a renowned medical group warned the White House Wednesday night.

A leading member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and former Harvard School of Public Health dean, Dr Harvey Fineberg, told CNN that while surgical masks should be reserved for health care workers, he himself is going to be wearing a bandanna or other face covering.

Dr Anthony Fauci, a White House coronavirus task force member and leading infectious disease expert said that the subject of having Americans cover their faces in public is a 'very active discussion' among the committee.

Research remains mixed on whether surgical masks work as well as N95 respirators and whether cloth face coverings do much at all to prevent infection, but Dr Fauci noted that they might be protective, and certainly wont do harm - as long as medical workers have enough.



  1. Then by all means we should stop because we are all going to die anyways!!

  2. This is why we need to not go outside or leave our homes. Buy food online and stay indoors till winter comes and the virus dies out.

  3. 9:46 Viruses don't die out in the winter months, that when they thrive.

  4. Reminds me of the "Total Recall Movie "

  5. Running out of toilet paper could Spread the Virus !!!!


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