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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Guest Commentary: The Virus of Leftism Now Infects Even the Mayo Clinic

Dennis Prager, the founder of the now wildly popular Prager University, which produces five-minute “courses” watched by billions each year, has it spot on. He says and writes regularly about how the value system of Leftism poisons everything it touches. Thank God his short videos are a potent intellectual vaccine, helping millions of our young people especially to fight off something far worse and more threatening to America than the coronavirus — Leftism.

Barak Obama and all of the leaders of the now radicalized and profoundly regressive Democrat Party talk about working to fundamentally transform this benighted country of America. Prager rightfully argues such transformation is, at its core, a powerful and evermore successful attempt to basically destroy the Judeo-Christian foundation of America and replace it with the false promise of a utopia run by the enlightened ones of the iron-fisted state. It’s right out of the playbooks of Karl Marx, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Saul Alinsky, our current Democrat Party, our universities, Hollywood, and New York Times op-ed writers. It is a revolution to overturn the American Revolution. It is the forces of darkness aligned against the force of light. It is immorality battling the morality of America and its values.

Examples are legion. For men and women of the Left, nihilism rules. Every part of our culture is up for destruction. A “burn it all down” mentality grips the millions holding this ideology. They tell us there are no longer men or women, but dozens of genders — and you’ll be thrown in jail if you misgender someone. Steve can give birth and Brad can menstruate. No longer does a child need a family with a mom and dad because the only thing that matters is, as clueless Joe Biden said, “love” — with whomever and with how many you get off on. No longer is the fundamental part of liberty and a peaceful civilization valued, namely the protection of private property. Instead, cheered on is massive robbery — taking by threat of force money earned by Sarah to give to Rachel, all in the name of social justice. As Barack Obama said, after a certain point, Sarah has made enough money. Who the hell cares if our kids get saddled with tens of trillions of dollars in debt? The Left is busy distributing economic justice as fast as the Treasury printing presses can roll.



  1. The communism of Marx is founded in Talmudic Tradition.
    Learn the truth

  2. Say what you want about Obama and Biden at least neither of those idiots were stupid enough to tour a Covid + hospital without a damn face mask.

  3. >>Say what you want about Obama and Biden at least neither of those idiots were stupid enough to tour a Covid + hospital without a damn face mask.<<

    Assume you are referring to Pence at Mayo? Staff gave him permission not to wear a mask.

    Do a little research before jumping to conclusions.

  4. AOC heard about the layoffs at the clinic and went out to load up on Mayonnaise so she wouldn't run out.


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