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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Shhh: Democrats Asked Zero Questions About Biden Allegations on Sunday Shows, Despite New Evidence

If you missed in on Friday, some new evidence turned up related to the sexual assault allegation a former Senate staffer lodged against Joe Biden. We've already written at length about the accusation, focusing specifically on the media's outrageous handling of it -- especially compared to the feeding frenzy in which they hungrily engaged during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation firestorm (The New York Times' excuse for the disconnect is quite literally laughable). We already knew that there was more contemporaneous evidence to buttress the allegation against Biden than Christine Blasey Ford ever produced. Then this new strain of information arrived, via The Intercept:



  1. What does it say about the credibility and character of the hypocrites who support this village idiot.

  2. Because they are Just as Bad as Biden , ALL DIRTY !!!!

  3. Biden used to brag about playing sticky fingers with his office staff, that's why all his Senate records are sealed.

  4. The flag bearers of the DNC "kennedys /clintons " set the standards on sexual abuse.

  5. They didn't ask because Biden said if they did he would later go after their kids and grope and smell them.


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