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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

How to Regrow Your Groceries

The idea of regrowing your groceries sounds too good to be true, but in some cases it really is possible. Check out these step-by-step instructions for regrowing common grocery items.

Green Onions

Overhead view of fresh whole spring onions on table
Tim MacPherson / Getty Images
Cut Bottom Off

Cut the last inch off of each green onion (this will give you the bulb and roots).

Plant in a Pot or Garden

Plant these in a flower pot or in your garden.

Cover Bulbs and Water Regularly

Be sure to cover the bulbs completely, and to leave a portion of each stem sticking out above the soil. Water regularly, and watch your green onions grow back.

Cut Stalks as Needed

To harvest, simply cut off as much of the green stalks as you need. If you leave the white bulbs in the plant, they'll continue to regrow more greens. Expect to get three to four cuttings off of your green onions before you need to plant more.



  1. I'll try it. Should be interesting.

  2. Leeks make great soup but they're really expensive. After putting out the cash for a few bunches I now have a dozen growing and regrowing in a big pot. Same for celery. Really fresh celery has lots more flavor.


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