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Monday, April 20, 2020

Gov. Carney continues to weigh closing schools for rest of academic year

While admitting Thursday that Delaware schools will likely stay closed for the remainder of the academic year, Gov. JohnCarney says it’s not an easy call to make.

Right now, all Delaware schools are closed until May 15 and students are learning remotely from home.

Should that continue through June, Carney says there will be consequences.

"We're going to need to think about what kind of activities, what kind of instructional programs they can activate over the summer,' said Carney. "What are they going to do at the beginning of next year with respect to the need for remediation in some of their math curriculum that they didn't get to or they're going to have to help the children and students catch up."

And Carney acknowledges considering how to plan for such things is one argument for making the decision sooner rather than later.



  1. Easy teach basic reading regular math not the scientist math theyll never use in life

  2. Watch now for the push for year round schooling

  3. My son is a senior in the Delaware school system and I need to know if he is going to be able to graduate this year being that they never finished the third marking period much less the fourth. Queries to his school remain unanswered, when are they going to make some decisions?

    1. Exactly! I understand that everything is up in the air at the moment, but Delmar hasn't mentioned it at all. I've been told twice since the schools have closed that "we'll make a decision soon".

  4. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.

  5. You are a fat, fascist asshole and I hope your business fails.


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